Airsoft Team Name (Win 5k)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by LittleJimSlade, May 20, 2014.

  1. Riptide
    spidey329 likes this.
  2. 1) Never gonna give you up
    2) Meowingtons
    3) Hold the pickles
    4) 1 shot 2 shot give the dog a bone
    5) Will it blend
    6) Not even Doom music
    7) Flower power
    8) Slip n' Slide
    9) The rippin' and the tearin'

    That's all I got, I'll take my 5k now. :)
    spidey329 likes this.
  3. very nice very nice
  4. If you like Star Wars (assuming there are 3 of you)
    We three wookies
    If you like star trek (assuming your all boys)
    Sons of Spock
    If you have any common sense(assuming you do)
    Duct tape never fails
    Those guys, look behind you, Creepers, Tranquil shooters, Dead eyes,
    spidey329 likes this.
  5. thanks cow, noted
    cowland123 likes this.
  6. Pisidoen's army =P going off of the Greek mythology thing =P its intimidatingish
    spidey329 likes this.
  7. hmm that one sounds good, ill mark it down
  8. Note to all: Contest will end when name is chosen, i will post the winner in that time
  9. theres still time to win the 5k!
  10. A Greek/roman god's wrath
    spidey329 likes this.
  11. time is running out! decision might be made today! last chance to win!
  12. I've got a few names
    1.The Regulars
    2.The socials
    4.clear lights
    5.sweet lights
    6.The musketeers
    the names i can think of
    spidey329 likes this.
  13. desicion was not made, maybe later today, but that means theres still time!
  14. Friendly Fire
    Hot Shots

    All I can think of atm :p
    spidey329 likes this.
  15. bump ity bumps
  16. still time to win!
  17. Here are a few, since I'm just browsing the forums, why not give some names:
    Flavorful Death
    Death Surprise
    Kill Joy
    PortalShoo2er likes this.
  18. awesome name, unfortunately your team name was not chosen as the name we will use, as the name we chose was not on this list, i decided to choose the name i liked the best of this list, and it was yours! you win the 5k, thanks to everyone who helped!
    NoahMarcusWhite likes this.