Abella for President(Ruler) of EMC

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ImaginaryKylie, Jun 7, 2012.


Abella for Ruler

Yes 2 vote(s) 5.0%
YES 1 vote(s) 2.5%
OMGYES 8 vote(s) 20.0%
copherfield 20 vote(s) 50.0%
Cheese Wedge 9 vote(s) 22.5%
  1. I just have a problem with that. I changed it tho...
    Other than that, I think that we should totally create the Master Ultra Mega Super Legion of the Golden Tyrannical Fantastical Doom ('cause being epic it's not enough for me).
    No need to forge the path ourselfs, we are tyrans, lets just ask our people to do that.
  2. Name change accepted. And we don't ask our people, we tell.
    I am glad to have you on board the ridiculously Master Ultra Mega Super Legion of the Golden Tyrannical Fantastical Doom Boat. Let's begin..... Muahahaha!
    copherfield likes this.
  3. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to vote for our late entrant into the race, Dr. Mr. Sir Cheese William Wittingham Wedge III. His policies would help support the Empire for years to come.

  4. Green Mystery, did you not hear?
    Copherfield and myself already personally invited Dr. Mr. Sir Cheese William Wittingham Wedge III into the MUMSLGTFD. He's a close friend of mine and is the newly appointed "classy" Tyrant.
    Green_Mystery likes this.
  5. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  6. IF he messes with our tyranny, we will let the mice run free.
    Green_Mystery and cmrichter like this.
  7. I want to be able to revote. This guy should win.
    Green_Mystery and cmrichter like this.
  8. I will vote for the cheese if his policies are economically left-wing
  9. Hahaha I just noticed that you changed you post to include is full name and titles.
    I greatly approve of this adjustment on your part! :)
    Green_Mystery likes this.
  10. Im president, gimme allz ur stuff.

  11. i deserve to have a poll :rolleyes:
  12. Nope you don't, Gir needs one. :cool:
  13. Or are you... :eek:
  14. Who else is this fanatic?
  15. erm, Sponge bobble.
    Thats how you say it in japanese. I just tought you something, or did I?
  16. ISmooch works for me tyvm
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  17. You guys know KylieVonEngel is SWM... She nominated herself for president... lol
    Biscuitboy5396 likes this.