It's not exactly an event, it's a "mechanism" to encourage clicking on eggs and hatchies in our signatures. I will still gift more special eggs like autumn does or even creating little quizs with questions and links. These are more like little games to increase the interest in Dragon Cave in the forums, a bait Actual events would be something different, and anyone can hold them, more fun is always welcome! EDIT: BTW, it also helps giving more chances to everyone to catch an gift, mine is still sitting there and no one has claimed it Also there's new content in the contest, click the link "Rescue all the eggs" in my signature to see.
Meh, I'm uncomfortable with how a person can just click through my eggs and get the prize. But, hey! It's better than nothing. Otherwise, I've switched up my signature, but I haven't added a prize dragon yet. Still debating what to put for that. Also, with my Golden Wyvern, because it's a CB, i'm going to start a perfect lineage. ( You know, where the dragon get's bred perfectly. ) (EDIT) Wow, what I said about the lineage was vague. Look for checker. That's what i'm going for. However, i'm confused on how to make the dragon always be the fathers breed or so.
Oh now I understand your point. You are still on the idea that it is a contest and it's about offering a prize, but it's not, it's a giveaway like what we do with pictures. And what you get in return is clicks on your eggies. Also better than nothing, uhm, let me see... I think we have some real contest going on at page 91 lol xD It's ok if you don't like it or want to do it your way, it was an open suggestion, I am doing it, whenever I can spare a slot for a few hours.
They are rare, and they only appear during Large Drops which happen every hour on the hour, so you just have to go there once every hour. But remember it doesn't appear every time and other people might get it before you so you won't even see it. It's about patience, there's nothing else we can do for you. Good luck!
Jacob simply takes the egg from the picture I need cool names for my dragons... Lol. I'm going to start a new dork face lineage thing.
I love that meme xD can't get tired of it. Someone please help me, I've got a Pink addiction, Pink egg I see, Pink egg I must grab xD it's becoming a problem. I've got my second Silver, now I need one more GW and start breeding them all for you guys, there's this lot of new info added to the contest, quoting it from here If there are any questions about guilds please ask.
ooooo nice lineage on that green stripe Lath. You'll have to keep it going with a green and blue line from it. Would be interesting and probable nerve raking. LOL