A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Yay thanks :D
    I played the set game for 15 minutes before I finally won...
    I kept getting stuck with ones that didnt work.
    I'm gonna try to get the other one.
  2. Reminder....those Halloween dragon eggs are from past Halloweens...make sure you leave 1 slot open for the NEW 2013 Halloween release.

    Good Luck
    jacob5089 likes this.
  3. ooo i think i got a gold one :O
    any suggestions for a future name?
  4. It's a Gold Tinsel. That's a rare dragon, but not nearly as rare as a normal Gold.
  5. okay, you can attempt to breed those two if you wish :)
  6. Geez -.- I had used my influence BEFORE the new Halloween release and couldn't help the eggs with there gender. I got 6 of the new eggs and thought meh I should have a good mix of genders..right?....wrong!! :(

    Chance y u no like me! :S

    Sigh....all Male....

  7. that SUCKS! :( i'll send you a link if some are extra females for me!
  8. i just messaged you a link to my extra females :)
    KiashiSama, autumnrain26 and 607 like this.
  9. I have only had one grave grow up so far, and its male.. xD Of the ones that are still hatchlings, one of those is also male and the other 5 have yet to gender.. :oops: ..I was able to trade 2 hatchlings for a 4th gen shimmer though.. :3
  10. does anyone have a breedable pair of the green tinted one of this?
  11. Me gots a new egg
  12. I wish I did, but I kinda missed that release and got my first opal a few weeks ago clearing blockers in the Alpine.. Which biomes is the green one in? I can try cave clearing those biomes for a while to try getting a green one.
  13. The forest has the green ones.
  14. Meh, not a bad clear today.. I grabbed 2 pinks, a fall, a glory drake, a tan ridgewing, a daydream and an ochredrak.. :3 ..But unfortunately, no new opals.. :oops:
  15. Um, you may want to ER those Graves soon, they only have about 2 days to grow before they end up in a grave.. :oops:
  16. They've matured.And you could have clicked on them...
  17. She did....that's how she knows they only have 1-2 days left before they die....
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  18. It seems to be stuck at 2 days.
    EDIT:There's a flood of daydreams in the AP.
  19. Ok, need these bad boys to hatch to get ready for November release. :p

    Yea I've been trying this to, came close to getting one...once! lol

  20. I think that the November release is going to be on or around "Black Friday" like it was last year.. which would be in 2 weeks on the 29th. This leaves about a 1 month period between it and the halloween and christmas releases (which the latter would be on Dec. 25)