A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. If it's a Pillow, then what does an Albino look like?
  2. We're going to post more than the LLO thread
  3. They're almost the same, I don't remember what the difference is anymore.
  4. Same?The albino eggs look like paper eggs with dark lines,and pillows look like cheese eggs with smaller holes.
  5. Albino_egg.gif <-That is an albino That is pillow -> SVmW.gif
    gollark8 likes this.
  6. Cheese eggs
  7. Oh yeah, now I remember:) Thanks
  8. Wow, I forgot about this thread, probably because I stopped getting alerts, but I'm back!
  9. Oh well... I will get it to be a hatchling...
  10. I'm making a purebred lineage of these blue-yellow dragons.
  11. I had a major issue with a bronze one at 3d 16h that nearly died...
  12. Targaryen :D
  13. I now have a 3rd gen gold.Now my DC goal is getting a magma dragon...
  14. lol, I forgot about this thread because I stopped receiving updates.. T-T ..So Heads-up about this weekend for a possible release unless TJ holds off for the Halloween event which starts around the 24th-25th, and the Halloween release on the 31st.. Halloweens will be breedable again once the event starts.. :3
  15. Does anyone have any idea about the upcoming halloween dragon?And I am a bit bored of DC with the last release being nearly a month ago.