A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. You do realize you can check your scroll?

    Can't believe I was at school when Oid gave away gold D:

    EDIT: Also, my Royal Blue army is slowing growing. :D So far I have 6.

    Second Edit: Got my May APG
    battmeghs likes this.
  2. i am some what new to dragoncave so this is my 1st egg that i won't forget about
  3. Well, good luck with this one!

    EDIT: Turns out my water egg has an awesome lineage! Look at it! Even has a black alt in it!
  4. Silver.
  5. Either way :p
  6. w
  7. If someone gets a magi dragon egg, I'm in desperate need of one.
    battmeghs likes this.
  8. i can breed you some. :)
    boozle628 likes this.
  9. There are guidelines to what can be put in these descriptions and they are then voted on by the community.. As such I have only written one description on a dragon because I used to think that if your description didn't get approved, that your dragon would be killed.. but that is only happens if you break the major guideline rules:
    My described dragon:
  10. Gotcha :D
    Thank you :D
  11. Well excuse me for finding a convenient way to check my scroll without opening another tab.
  12. Thanks youz
  13. I have 4 xD
  14. Your name is pure genius.
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  15. Lol, everyone needs magi now, I can easily breed one, but I abandoned my magi egg 2 days ago:p So, have to wait before I can breed again. I once sold a magi egg for 5,000r:)
  16. It is strictly against dragoncave T&C to recieve payment for dragons besides other dragons.
  17. The exact line is: (This can be viewed on site at dragcave)
  18. Lol, then I think technologygeek and I didn't know about that:p
  19. *gasp* you broke a..a..a rule!
    607 and autumnrain26 like this.
  20. Really? Welcoem to the club! i have 4 as well.