A serious concern about casino regulation on "wheel of fortune" and some other questions

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Egeau, Jul 4, 2018.

  1. Whello there, I have lately been working on some things regarding games of change, and I found something that could be a problem...

    (I am quite tiered currently: sorry if everything seems messy)

    First of all the rules regarding "Wheel of ruppees" it says it must contain:
    • The odds of landing on each block. These must be accurate.
    Sadly, people who have learned combinatorics probably know: the chances aren't always the same. I have downloaded a few casinos, and in none of them the change per block was the same for every starting position, and the starting position alwasy changed (unless I didn't correctly remake the redstone: it usually breaks a little when downloading a word)
    You might think it is the same: it has a randomiser that randomises the amount of time the wheel turns around, and the wheel always has a change to get every single block, so the change should be equal, but due to the way minecraft time randomisers are usually build not all amounts of time are equally likely. (I don't want to go deeper into the maths, but it's for the same reason that when you're trowing with two 6-sided dices a sum of 7 comes up way more as a sum of 2: there are more ways to make certain outcomes, so there is a normal ditribution)
    This leaves with three options on how to deal with the rule:
    Either disallowing machines that don't reset and requiering everyone who wants to run one to do the quite complicated maths you need to to calculate the changes for every block, which I think isn't really an option, as I, with my own machine (see later), alredey hhad some trouble calculating the chaces, the best way I could find was making a recursive formula that would estimate in powers of ten, okay, it is quite a complicated randomiser, but that doesn't make it accesseble for people who are totally new to calculating chances. This might be the best option though;
    not disallowing those machines, but requiering to publish a spreadsheet that has all chances of all different starting positions, requiering even more maths;
    or estimating the chancees, but this can be troubeling. On machine I found, even with me being the most generous I could be to the one who designed it with remaking it, the changes of the highest tear block were between 0.05 and, beleve it or not, 3.7E-42 or 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 004. This machine was approved. (I did the maths quickly: I might be a few orders of magitude of, but not so much)
    I, myself, tried my hardest on making something with the same changes that wouldn't be extreemly large or take an extreem long amount of time due to the way I did it calculating the chace is way (I mean way) more dificult, but I estimated the chances differ between 0.043 and ~0.001, so estimating isn't really an option either.
    so, mods: what to do here?
    I looked through all machines on the "aproved" list, downloaded the words and looked into the redstone. One of them was within one order of magnitude for every starting position, and even had one significant digit that never changed (gg) Two of them could be legitemente: depends on how it was configured (my machines is also under this catagory: it could also be legit if it would be configured differently: but the wheel would be spinning for almost two minutes) Those three were within 240 blocks of eachother. the rest had serious troubles.
    You might think: Jelle, What's the problem: no one is going to calculate the values and reset their wheels every time someone plays, we can also go with the average change. Well, resetting a machine like this to any value is really easy. Even though the distribution of high and low change seemed correctly random on the current states, it still could be abused way to easily and when it is, the some machines have seriously different odds. Also: even when some sort of random, I don't think it's "fair" that the chance of one bet is way different in chance of another, jet, that can be discussed.
    FunWart and Kryarias like this.
  2. Doesn't make much sense to me but if it helps the fairness of the game then it should be noticed.
  3. Could you post/PM the machines you are concerned about, please (the ones you had the biggest issues with)? We have math people and a great math chicken that can have a look into it.
    Jelle68 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  4. Sure. I also am probably going to re-write the thread... now that's it some time ago I wrote it, I see how messy it is... it made sense in my head...

    Do you want me to also write out the full working out on the machines? I could totally do that, if you want me to. (I'm not bad at maths either, just usually a little too lasy to properly do something, instead of estimating)

    I'm first going to have dinner anyway :p