A minecraft option

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by LightrodSilver, Jul 26, 2014.


Minecraft gamma question

mod 1 vote(s) 16.7%
gamma 5 vote(s) 83.3%
  1. exactly ^
  2. FullBright takes the vailla feature of brightness and makes it more powerful.
    Speedhacks take the vanilla feature of sprinting and makes it more powerful.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  3. From what I just researched of speedhacks, they actually adjust the entire game speed and not just your movements. For things that do let you sprint faster, that is completely different. A mod to sprint faster affects you AND everyone else around you because you are now moving through the world twice as fast as them. A light mod has no effect on other players and you will still be forced to play with the technical aspects of brightness. It simply is a visual effect that gives no advantage because Minecraft has no complete darkness that you would be cheating out of.
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  4. Mods like this are almost always packaged with hacked clients. Keeping this mod/"setting" illegal makes it easier for the staff to spot hackers (both when they post screenshots and mine ores) and reduces the amount of innocents punished. Lets say chicken was following someone he suspected of using x-ray mods through a cave. The player is easily able to navigate it and makes no pauses to squint at his monitor. They player also always ends up at valuable ores. chicken bans him for using illegal mods, because that's where all the signs point. But the player actually only had the GammaBright settings turned on. Now the player has to appeal, and if he doesn't get to keep his res, he will almost certainly leave.

    There have been several times where players have been banned shortly after posting a screenshot. The mods see the screenshot, check the player to see if they are using other illegal mods, and then find out that they are in fact using other mods. This mod is a huge giveaway.

    Also, there are many player made mazes, puzzles, and parkours that rely on darkness to hide obstacles and traps. By using this mod you are by definition cheating the owner out of prizes, and other players out of chances at prizes.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  5. But we aren't talking about the mod, only the setting
  6. What is the difference? They both edit the same file in the same way.
    samsimx likes this.
  7. So then changing the setting "showInventoryAchievementHint:false" should also be banned, as it would give a player an edge for completing the achievements over other players that don't know what all is required to get the achievements?

    I am against hacks, and the only mod I have is toomanyitems for single player, that I have spent about a total of 2 hours playing since 2010. But to ban a regular setting of the game that we have paid for, that anyone at anytime can change, is dumb. I don't even have mine set to 10/1000 for the full bright effect and I have no problem with it. Heck, it can even make the game harder for players, as I'm sure they would forget to place torches down in caves and on the surface in the wild, allowing the mobs to keep spawning and attacking them.

    The regular slider option in the in-game menu allows you to see in caves/dark areas, that you wouldn't need to "pause and squint at the monitor" to distinguish certain ores, or see hidden things in mazes, puzzles, parkour courses. That whole argument is invalid.

    The difference between a mod and the setting is that the setting can't be changed in-game with a single push of a key. You have to close minecraft, track down the options.txt, change the setting to regular/bright, and then restart minecraft.

    As a former server owner, I didn't and wouldn't ban this. There really is no major advantage to it. It's a regular setting that anyone can use, and we all paid for it.
  8. The game is built with the option the Notch originally put in their if the modification is from the built game, as the developer he did the option for everyone. the rule no gamma bright would be correct, except for the fact that it is in your options file, the rules are of mods, but in this case this is not a mod, but a simple adjustment not a mod, So in a perspective it should be allowed because it is a game default option not a mod. There you go, m0ds are for but if everyone can do this with one option configuration it should be allowed.
    Gap542 and Ark_Warrior1 like this.
  9. The only thing is that it is not a mod, but a setting that anyone anywhere can edit.
  10. It is an abused option, and there is no denying that. If it was meant to be used like that, it would be an in game option. I suppose I also have the option to erase the inner parts of block texture files to get x-ray too. I payed for the game, and I payed for the ability to build my own texture packs, so who is to tell me that I can't use the features I payed for? Oh wait, EMC is private property, so that argument is null and void.

    If I buy a shirt, and paint inappropriate symbols on it, I have every right to do so because it is my shirt. I can display it in public places too. But as soon as I enter a store, all my rights are gone, and I must adhere to their rules. They can throw me out, call the cops, ban me from the store forever, it is their choice. The same private property laws apply to EMC. By using the EMC servers, you are bound to following their rules.

    The argument that you have the right to change something because it is part of the game you bought can be extended to any form of client modification.
    607, PandasEatRamen and FDNY21 like this.
  11. I am back from a short trip and can finally type out this on my computer. I will try to argue this as logically as possible without throwing in real world metaphors.

    The disallowed mods section states that
    Summary: don't do things to get an advantage over others.
    This is what a mod is to not be allowed. In order for a mod to be allowed it must be proven that it has no advantage or at least a barely noticeable advantage. The inclusion of the word "exploit" means that manually changing the file also goes into this category.

    I am going to prove that this mod gives almost no advantage over other players and that because of that, it has no place being disallowed. The ONLY thing that this mod changes is what the client running the mod sees. The mod simply adjusts the gamma to a level above normal. This has no effect on technical aspects of brightness and is entirely aesthetic. I would like to point out the approved mod, no fog void. Just like the gamma mod, no fog void is purely aesthetic because the fog is still there for all technical reasons. Now I will show how the mod or setting gives no noticeable advantage over other players. Take a look at the two pictures below. The first one is a completely dark cave that has no light source. It is the definition of darkness in minecraft. I have the vanilla brightness slider turned all of the way up, which is something any player can and are allowed to do. For the second picture I added light in the form of sunlight and a torch. Look at the first picture first and try to find the ores. Then look at the second picture. Look at them side by side too. Although the ores are harder to see on the first picture, they should instantly be visible no matter which picture you are looking at. It is easily arguable that the effect here caused by the darkness is definitely small compared to the effects that other approved mods have on the game. I am not saying that those approved mods should be banned, but am instead insisting that the advantage is so small in both that they barely matter.
    2014-08-03_14.21.47.png 2014-08-03_14.23.03.png

    With that out of the way, you may be wondering why anyone would want the mod. Sometimes it comes down to personal preference. Many people enjoy the brightness. Sometimes having to squint at a monitor can cause eye fatigue or a headache. There is a (somewhat insignificant) medical reason for players to want the brightness.

    Finally, I would like to reiterate that this is entirely visual, as I have shown, and that there is an entire section of approved mods dedicated to visual things like this. Overall, I can see no reason for this mod and the option text change to be banned. Both give users no additional advantage and are simply a category of approved mods.
    Ark_Warrior1 and Alyattayla like this.