5 Player Massive Giveaway

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Gianluca99Star, Jun 29, 2022.


do you want 10k

yes 14 vote(s) 70.0%
no, give it to someone else 6 vote(s) 30.0%
keep it 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. ill take 50.
    Moople has the best events.
  2. Number 37 please.

    I think that between Zomberina and KatydidBuild EMC has gotten some pretty awesome builds and events. And of course MoreMoople is just awesome all the things she has done and taken on to help make EMC better.
  3. 45

    Really kind of you to do this giveaway! Happy Pride Month!
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  4. Join Join Join
  5. I'll take 3 please. happy Pride Gian. =]

    edited to add:
    Well that was a fail. O_O

    Gian is one of the nicest people I know and he happens to be one of my neighbors on smp1. =D

    Also LunarEndergirl, though I don't know them, always seems to be upbeat and engaging in the community.
    KatydidBuild and Gianluca99Star like this.
  6. 99 please i like bryanm rilly nice player and has big brain great at creating farms

    ultipig lol

    w1therrex nice probely the only person i now whos Vietnamees

    and dras likes netrite a lot the ting is hé only probely uses it tho make his floors look good
    UltiPig, Gianluca99Star and TECtock like this.
  7. I'd like to Join :)

    #54 please
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  8. bump! join to win some money
  9. Join if you haven't, draw for winners will happen during this weekend
    TECtock likes this.
  10. draw happening tomorrow! you can still join for free money! :)
    Zomberina and MissBonnieParker like this.
  11. I am also Vietnamese.

    I'd like number 28, please. Thank you for this! :)
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  12. OK, I'll take 72 if that's ok. Please and thank you!
    Gianluca99Star and UltiPig like this.
  13. u Vietnamees sice wen does Vietnam lay in Amerika i now were u live xd
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  14. but lol
    Gianluca99Star likes this.
  15. A Dutch person can live in the U.S. (or anywhere else) and still be Dutch. :p
    Gianluca99Star and TECtock like this.
  16. So are you Dutch too? :p
    Gianluca99Star and UltiPig like this.
  17. The Winners are in!

    The 10 People who will each receive 10k each are:

    5. Zomberina
    45. LunarEndergirl
    54. Gap542
    100. VoidDistortion
    3. crystaldragon13
    29. MissBonnieParker
    13. HazardousCode
    23. TECtock
    88. OhMiku
    32. EnigmaSpirit

    The 2 People receiving 50k each are:

    99. daanhu
    37. Dreacon78

    The Grand winner recieveing 100k is:

    9. Raaynn

    All prizes for everyone else and the grand winners will be sent out over the next few days
  18. Congrats, Raaynn on winning the grand prize! And congrats everyone else as well!
    TECtock likes this.