26 Staff Members and None Online

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by emfs_ad, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. 3 out of 26? I sense some imbalance here :rolleyes:
    PlayTehMinecraft likes this.
  2. I completely agree with you. It would be rather nice.
    deathconn likes this.
  3. Oh wow, I didnt know that but none of them are on smp9, well I personally have never seen them on smp9
  4. Just to name a few ;)

    #Got Ninj'd by Alex whilst I was making it pwitty :(
  5. But i have never seen them on smp9, maybe their online when im not but im online alot xD

  6. They don't need to be in-game to read or take action against chat or players...
    Damiensmom11 and battmeghs like this.
  7. Oh really? Didn't know that.
  8. but still >.> ...it would be nice to see them
  9. Check this out ;)
  10. More than half of the Members of Emc don't know that. They need to directly talk to the staff member that is ONLINE, not rant about the situation through town chat to make a commotion so that staff finally can make their appearance.
  11. How is the ignorance of player's the staff's fault, The staff aren't responsible for educating every single player on the fact that they can see chat without getting on the server...
    Just to make it clear I'm not pointing the finger at anyone or have bad intentions with this post.
  12. If its something that isn't /report worthy then you should have started a convo with a Staff member who is online on site. When I'm awake i check the forums at least twice an hour out of habit and Like Stads said we may not be online but doesn't take much to look into stuff.

    This statement here is telling me that a member has stolen items from your res. Staff warns members about giving flags to other players you might trust them but If you aren't on or ain't looking they will take something or not who no's. You are Certain that this person.. evidence? How you know that this player did it. Was it something in chat or /tell to another player. The list goes on & on. We don't tempban or permaban player on hunches only straight facts.
    jkjkjk182, Damiensmom11 and _Stads_ like this.
  13. That's not my point. It doesn't matter if they can or if the can't. The player just needs staff online to share their problem so it could be resolved at the time being. It brings me back to this:

  14. Please take this into consideration: Microsoft, who is a multi-million dollar company who has thousands of support agents don't even get back to you instantly. How is it reasonable to expect 26 staff to instantly reply and be online when you want them, when Microsoft or even Apple can't do that with 1000's of PAID staff... (Incase you didn't know, EMC staff are volunteers that work mighty hard :))
  15. Yes, I have made the mistake of giving this player perms to my residence, I realize what I have done was on the behalf of me. But a theft from another player should still have their consequences. And there is not any real evidence but the items missing it selves. My question to the staff member would have been, "Is there a way to check if a player has touched a block or even opened a chest at a given moment."
  16. As the staff have publicly said before, logging such events would be far too resource demanding and so it isn't done for everything, only a few blocks are logged.

    I could be wrong however I don't think anything is logged in town due to flags being the player's responsibility, you're given the tools to protect everything in town ;)
    Damiensmom11 and IcecreamCow like this.
  17. V
    I couldn't have say better myself. We give you tools in town to protect yourself so this doesn't happen.
    Last sentence of the first paragraph the Flags wiki page "Do not give flags to people you don't completely trust."
    _Stads_ likes this.
  18. I would love it if we logged everything and I could instantly pull up the info needed, these situations could be resolved with us being sure we made the correct decision. The reality is that making logs uses valuable resources, more logs = more server lag. Then you have searching the logs for info requires a skill, some staff are good at finding the needle in the haystack but even with Square it requires a lot of trolling through pages of almost identical data.
    We always want to be sure of our decision before we act as we have all seen players trying to frame other players which could lead to an injustice if we didn't require proof.
  19. If someone has perms and is thought to have stolen items ... isn't square able to refine logs to search for only that person, and then look at their command logs to see if they typed the /v (res) ... or if they were standing in the location of the residence at the time of the incident?
  20. What do you mean? Events aren't logged in Town