[2016ELECTION] #Bird4Prez2k16

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Luckygreenbird, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. Not sure how to feel about this, I mean anything beats Trump and Hillary so why not? But yet again people are voting for them so I'm not sure about your chances if it was legal to still head in and run. Maybe about 2.5% chance of success, going up to 2.6% is the rumours of Trump not actually caring and likely dropping out are true.
  2. Will be posting BurgerKnight's endorsement tomorrow. It is finished and uploaded but am waiting to post it because #hype. The quality and content is *chk-chk wink*.
    607 likes this.

    Added to OP
    BurgerKnight and nltimv like this.
  4. Perhaps this skele should run for president someday. I would be a great opponent against the borb
  5. This skele shall be the borb's opponent for the presidency <skeleton noise>
  6. I want your shirt
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  7. hmph why is this not being bumped more?
    tuqueque likes this.
  8. this is literally the birdest candidate we have, more plz! Or ill burn your bird house!
  9. I think I might make a good competitor against the birds #SkeleTinPrezOpponent
  10. Formerly known as BlueJay007 you have my support birb! Make us birds proud!
    tuqueque likes this.
  11. Thank you to all your support in support of supporting the birds and for the support it shows. It really supports me.
    Bird will win. Opposition cannot. Vote bird.

    Oh... And I will be announcing my running mate in due time *wink*.
    607 likes this.


    video added to OP
  13. nice editing skillz
  14. Disclaimer: Nobody except BurgerKnight was harmed in the making of this trailer.
    607 and nuclearbobomb like this.
  15. Is tbird1128 your running mate?
  16. #Birbforprez2K16
    Someone get that trending.
    If Trump has Twitter, go spam him with #Birdforprez2k16 with a link to here.
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  17. Birb
    On it :p
  18. birbumpersticker
  19. #Bird4Prez