1 Year Has Passed... AMA + Free Rupee Giveaway [by IamSaj]

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by IamSaj, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. IamSaj likes this.
  2. Happy 365th day in the empire

    Here is my question.

    IamSaj likes this.
  3. Oh right sorry about that... Here it is: What is the most advanced redstone mechanism you have created in Minecraft?
    IamSaj likes this.
  4. A pressure plate that links to redstone then goes 5 blocks forward to open a door. Pretty legit I say
    _Stads_ likes this.
  5. Yes. And french toast, spanish toast, mexican toast, american toast, all toast, burnt toast, buttered toast, pancakes, fried waffles, bacon, eggs, and more bacon.
  6. Cool beans
    IamSaj and mba2012 like this.
  7. I will pick the winners in about 10 minutes. If you receive a PM by me today, you have won!!
  8. U MISSED ME 3 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. hat is your favorite moment on EMC?

    Where you hear of EMC?

    Why you joined EMC?

    Favorite Staff?

    Who made your Skin?

    Why that skin?

    What is your favorite plugin on EMC?

    Who is your best friend on EMC?

    Do you plan on staying forever?

    What was your first spawner on EMC?

    Did you make your own or someone made it for you?

    What was the first res you had?

    What was the first thing you built?

    What was the first thing you bought on EMC?

    What is your favorite material to use?

    What is the biggest thing you made?

    What is your favorite block?

    Do you think EMC is the best server?

    Does EMC Troll you or do you troll it?

    How old is AlexChance?
    (7 right) :p

    Do you always like to be on Mumble?

    Do you like to talk to others on Mumble?

    Who do you mostly talk to on Mumble?

    Mumble is awesome right?

    This is why i don't want to make a AMA for my 365th day xD

    Does this suck?

    Did i put to many Question?
    (sorry :p)
    IamSaj likes this.
  10. He didn't miss you, he asked you to follow the correct format, which means you have to ask a question to him and than pic a number. I found no post from you where you asked John a question. And I think now he already started a private convo with the lucky winners! Congratz to them :)
    IamSaj likes this.
  11. LOL


    Dont get ur hopes up! XD

    Yeah, right >_>

    She'll use fire (and/or chain mail boots) XD

    EDIT: Wait, how did I manage not to participate in this giveaway?!? :confused:

    I mean, Ive been watching this thread since like the 5th post XD
  12. Snip your quote PLEASE.
    What* Finishing the tutorial
    Where did you hear* I was surfing Minestatus on hopped on. I almost didn't join because it said no whitelist but you had to make an account on empire.us lol
    Why did you join* Because no server had satisfied me yet.
    Max, chickeneer, Dwight, Aikar and Cow
    I stole it.
    Yes, or until something happens.
    I used someone else's, he let me use it but then he got banned, I use it now.
    See above answer
    My house

    Mar 31, 2012
    Empire Shop purchase of 1 Boat
    - 24

    1,476 rupees

    A block.
    Mutual trolling
    His age is 69
    No you
    Nope you should've added more.
  13. Happy 1 Year IamSaj!
    Happy 1 Year IamSaj!
    What was your favorite thread on EMC?
    Yours of corse
    "I would like number 24 please"
    "I would like number 31 pls - or zero....."
  14. Uhhh 50 :D what is your fave res?
    PenguinDJ likes this.