《Buying》Player Heads-- FAIR PRICE

Discussion in 'Buying' started by fadedmartian, Jul 7, 2019.

  1. Hello all!

    I am currently trying to grow my player head collection, and I am currently as of 1/6/21 buying unique heads that I do not have (of which you can preview the heads I currently have at /v 16150 on the 9th floor) for 100r each, and I am not currently looking for duplicates (neither ones I already have or duplicates you are willing to part with still).

    I am interested in buying as many or as little as you are currently willing to sell or part with, and will constantly be interested in buying an unlimited amount.

    Please PM me with your amount that you are willing to sell to me.

    Thank you!

    Kaddrii and Kryarias like this.
  2. Sorry, I know my value. 851r or no deal.
  3. deal ;D
  4. I have a few 1000'th day heads of mine, and a couple of normal ones that you can have
    FadedMartian likes this.
  5. Will you buy different skinned heads from the same player name?
  6. I am currently only looking for one head per username, sorry
  7. I have around a DC of random player heads. Message me if youd like to buy.
    FadedMartian likes this.