It's not just in the forums it's also slow in game. I think the end of semester of either school or university is the source. I've been out of that scene for ages so I can only guess the stresses of finishing made everyone take a break.
It’s also the fact that there just aren’t enough active admins anymore to maintain the community. I feel bad for chicken having to shoulder everything.
Server is dying, can’t see any plan on trying to improve it. We took so long to update to 1.15 and everyone moves on. It’s sad to see, hopefully one day it becomes really active again.
I wouldn't go that far. Just think of the average age of players back say 10 years ago. I would say most were in their teens so right now they are experiencing the most hecktic part of life. Advanced education, job hunting, apartment/home hunting, enjoying the social life, etc...
I believe those players will come back after getting through that part. I joined when my son was in his mid teens. I'm still here and he is not so much but he will be back.
Indeed. Like anything entertainment. It can go through waves. As long as those in charge can bring in new/fresh ideas to attract new crowds, it can always grow. Really depends on if the goal is to coast with what it has or thrive.
The rate of decay is noticeable and shocking tbh. The server is like a house, a big house, maybe even a mansion. It is impossible to run a house with 1-2 people, much less “host an event” with guest (us/players).
And the past year seems to have been especially busy for Chicken and Mooples
Last I checked (3 years ago) EMC was staying afloat with most support coming from “afk” players, not sure how today’s economies have affected running cost/supporterships.
Regardless, it seems like a tough road to try to beat the “trend line” without drastic action, which seems unlikely to come soon.
I love the "business of the business" stuff! That info you put together is fascinating. You definitely put the work into it. If I were ever to be a part of some sort of project like this again, I would absolutely want you on board for ideas haha. Do you work with data for a living? Or was that just a hobby?
I feel like I've had my head in the ground for too long. I love EMC dearly. I've given them the benefit of the doubt for too long. I tried hosting a fun event Tuesday. Nobody but one of my best friends showed up. Took some "begging" Kind of in chat to get a few people there
It really woke me up and had me realize yes the server is dying! Need more people active and hosting stuff. I've done my part in trying but its not enough :(
I have had some experience with startups (I’m 25 so definitely young in my career), but yeah, if there’s a project that I can contribute or volunteer some hours per week, it would be fun :)
As long as Minecraft is alive and well, EMC can absolutely stay relevant. I think it's a matter of implementing community based events that keep people around, and finding the best way to market the server to new members. Just a matter of having dedicated individuals who are passionate about it.
Yeah. Maybe if someone has an outpost with excellent infrastructure, lots of available land, many biomes and an engaging democratic government, that could also bring new life to the server overall?
I agree, Nick. Minecraft is one of those special things that managed to stay relevant and popular throughout the years. Given the right motivation to change and keep up with the excitement, I feel that anyone with passion for it could do some very good things.
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