Comments on Profile Post by We3_MPO

  1. farmerguyson
    Maraschino cherries? More than one please.
    Apr 8, 2023
  2. ultipig
    Apr 8, 2023
  3. MoreMoople
    I don't eat the cherry, so I usually give it to my mom or sister instead. :)
    Apr 8, 2023
  4. We3_MPO
    MoreMoople, I used to be the same way. I'm reluctant to try new food (especially fruit and vegetables) due to my sensitivity to texture and bitterness. A few months ago, I finally tried it, though; cherries are really sweet and don't have a bad texture! So I decided to get some frozen ones at Walmart recently so I could have them even without going to Sonic.
    Apr 9, 2023