Comments on Profile Post by 607

  1. TomvanWijnen
    You're not alone, many insects also freak me out a little. :P
    Aug 27, 2019
  2. PetezzaDawg
    Moths are creepy as hell. Don’t mind butterfly’s too much, they’re not as disgusting looking
    Aug 28, 2019
  3. 607
    The ladybug scared me because it was walking very slowly across the ceiling, and then when I got close to check what it was it flew for half a second at an insane speed. I'm not sure if I've ever seen an animal move so fast before.
    Aug 28, 2019
  4. 607
    I went to bed with one of the larger beasts still in my room, by the way. I have no idea what it was or where it is now. It reminded me of a spider, but didn't really resemble one. Oh well, hopefully it creeps into a corner and dies there, never to be found by me. :P
    Aug 28, 2019
  5. TomvanWijnen
    If it creeps into a corner and dies there, you might find it randomly there in a few years time... :P I'm sorry. :P
    By the way, I think "critters" is a better word than "beasts" - if with "beasts" you mean "beestjes". Yes I would love to use that word too but English is different, )(un)fortunately. :P
    Aug 28, 2019
  6. 607
    Ah, I forgot about the word 'critters', thanks. But in the original status, I did it intentionally, in an ironic way (as 'beast' is usually associated with ferocity, while these critters aren't actually dangerous). Actually, while I was trying to catch the ladybug and get it outside, I was listening to One-Winged Angel, which greatly improved the experience. :D
    Aug 28, 2019