Comments on Profile Post by Joy_the_Miner

  1. SoulPunisher
    WhErEs YoUr PaTrIoTiSm
    Jul 5, 2019
  2. SoulPunisher
    Saying that here in the UK we celebrate the 'cleansing' the country of catholics every 5th of November, and have been doing so for the past 414 years
    Jul 5, 2019
  3. Joy_the_Miner
    I left my "patriotism" at the doorstep when America stopped caring about the people...
    Jul 5, 2019
  4. ArkonXT
    Jul 5, 2019
  5. SoulPunisher
    Was there a time in history when the American state cared about the people? Like, even all the way back to the Revolution it was just rich and wealthy landowners moaning about how they were getting taxed and didn't have an MP (the British themselves weren't allowed to vote until the early 1930s) - ignore that they got taxed less than British peasants and as far as I know got to elect their Governor.
    Jul 6, 2019
  6. Joy_the_Miner
    Exactly, now you know why I feel no patriotism to this country.
    Jul 6, 2019