Comments on Profile Post by Kaddrii

  1. SoulPunisher
    Hey if you need any help with the history project, send me a PM. I'm not exactly a history expert but it was my main subject in high school and college and I'm leaving to university to study it in September. I'd be glad to help and get my practice up :P
    Jun 3, 2019
  2. Kaddrii
    Thanks for asking, but I'm good :) It's an opinionated project so I wouldn't know how you could help anyways :P
    Jun 3, 2019
  3. SoulPunisher
    Ahh I hear you, still though the offer's open if you need any help with structuring an essay or something :P good luck with the project!
    Jun 3, 2019
  4. Kaddrii
    Thanks! :)
    Jun 3, 2019
  5. ElfinPineapple
    Look on the plus side - last hurdle! :)
    Jun 4, 2019