Comments on Profile Post by 607

  1. TomvanWijnen
    It should be solved at around 12:45, so not that big of an issue. :P
    May 17, 2019
  2. 607
    It was solved two hours ago actually, Tom. :P
    May 17, 2019
  3. TomvanWijnen
  4. 607
    True, the article from the Heerenveense Courant was, though. But this one mentioned our school, that's cool!
    May 17, 2019
  5. TomvanWijnen
    :D - it's still not updated. :P Oh well, I guess the people from Leeuwarden and the surrounding area will just never know that Heerenveen got water again. :rolleyes:
    May 17, 2019