Comments on Profile Post by __INKY

  1. Tbird1128
    Sadly, people are lacking manners these days. I refuse to let the door close if I know someone is walking up behind me.
    Apr 4, 2019
  2. SoulPunisher
    You both need to come to the UK, where not holding the door open for literally everyone even if they're quite far behind you is a matter of intense social shame. Honestly I wish I was joking.
    Apr 4, 2019
  3. Krysyy
    I was leaving Home Depot the other day and putting my cart away, when walking back to my car there was an older gentleman starting to walk his cart back. I offered to take it for him and he acted like I offered to give him $100. It's the little things really.
    Apr 4, 2019
  4. Sadie_Dragon
    I hold the door for people when I go into the library and every time I get stared at for a minute. Mainly because the kids my age are not so kind. But yes, I do agree.
    Apr 6, 2019