Comments on Profile Post by SoulPunisher

  1. TomvanWijnen
    That is why I don't drink stuff with caffeine. :P
    Feb 10, 2019
  2. SoulPunisher
    Seriously if someone has never drank it I would advise them to never touch it. I NEED it to function and the withdrawal symptoms seem never-ending and are horrible to live with. If this was any other stimulant I'd have been referred to rehab by now smh
    Feb 10, 2019
  3. TomvanWijnen
    Ouch, that sucks, that's indeed one of the reasons I don't drink it... I've never drank coffee, and (unless someone gives it to me when not home) only drink tea without caffeine. I don't drink caffeinated soft drinks either. I often go to bed way too late, which makes me even more apprehensive of drinking that stuff, as getting addicted doesn't seem unlikely... :P
    Feb 10, 2019
  4. SoulPunisher
    Oh yeah it sucks with going to sleep on time too. I try to make sure I stop drinking anything with it in by 9pm so the period where my brain is getting way less of it but before it starts screaming for more falls directly in the time I want to sleep.
    Feb 10, 2019