Comments on Profile Post by TomvanWijnen

  1. 607
    Why is that a Whoops moment?
    Jan 26, 2019
  2. TomvanWijnen
    Because it means that I've made 16,000 pictures with my phone since getting it 3.7 years ago. That is quite a lot, I'd say. :P And none of those are selfies, mind you (I don't take selfies, ew). :P
    Jan 26, 2019
  3. 607
    It is indeed quite the amount! I assume they aren't neatly backed up and organised? :P
    Jan 27, 2019
  4. TomvanWijnen
    Excluding the newest 2,000, they definitely are backed up (multiple times even!)! :D They are sorted on taken date, and in a few folders because I back them up every so often. I haven't yet separated them between different holidays, but might do that too in the near future. :)
    Jan 27, 2019
  5. 607
    Cool. :) I've been organising my mother's pictures from 2015-2018 during this time off uni, following the system once devised by my father. I created an account at Stack Exchange to be able to ask how I could go about it, as I couldn't figure out the commands myself. ;) (I ended up going for Powershell as it seemed too complicated in a regular cmd, and I didn't want to have to install a 3rd party program for it)
    Jan 27, 2019
  6. TomvanWijnen
    Ah, cool! I'm curious what this system is and what you used Powershell for.
    Jan 27, 2019
  7. 607
    $Path = 'D:\' # the folder where the jpg files are
    $Count = 10 # the starting number. gets increased for each file
    Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Filter '*.JPG' -File | Sort-Object LastWriteTime | ForEach-Object {
    $_ | Rename-Item -NewName ('{0:00000} {1}.JPG' -f $Count++, ($_.LastWriteTime.toString("dd-MM-yyyy")))
    Jan 27, 2019
  8. 607
    In any folder, there are at most 99 pictures: xxxx01 to xxxx99. If the next day doesn't fit in its entirety anymore it also goes to the next folder. Made-up example: Photo 24587 is the last picture from April 27th 2016, and 20 pictures were made on April 28th 2016. Then April 28 will be in another folder, starting at 24601.
    Jan 27, 2019
  9. 607
    Oops, I typed twice one 'x' too many in the first line. :P
    Jan 27, 2019
  10. TomvanWijnen
    Ah, very interesting! I think I'll just separate them per holiday, as the bulk of my pictures are from holidays. :P
    Feb 28, 2019
  11. 607
    Yeah, that's certainly a good idea. :)
    Mar 2, 2019