Comments on Profile Post by Smooshed_Potato

  1. ElfinPineapple
    It's also the one chance to do things you likely wont be able to do otherwise until you retire. Go out on a limb. Try that internship, or even that study abroad you don't think you have time for (while in college at least). Learn a language, travel the world. Possibilities are endless.
    Aug 10, 2018
  2. Smooshed_Potato
    Aug 10, 2018
  3. TomvanWijnen
    (I don't complain much myself) because it takes so much time, effort, and is so difficult often. When working you get paid and usually don't have to do a crapload more at home.

    "travel the world" & "internship" how can I do that if I always have to go to school and have to do homework and study for tests and so on? :P
    Aug 11, 2018
  4. Smooshed_Potato
    Procrastinate school and do everything else! Finish your studies the night before it is due :)
    Aug 12, 2018
  5. TomvanWijnen
    That's what I've done for the past always pretty much, doesn't always work that great... :P
    Aug 24, 2018