Last activity:
Jul 20, 2018
Jan 27, 2017
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I give up. Spent hours designing something but this one piece is just overloaded with bugs. Jul 20, 2018

Sadie_dog was last seen:
Jul 20, 2018
    1. Loic_MaitreDuFeu
      Hey long time no see!
    2. Sadie_dog
      I give up. Spent hours designing something but this one piece is just overloaded with bugs.
    3. Sadie_dog
      Mom dropped off more colleges pleading for me, I didn't care until I saw 3 colleges were waving scholarships at me... from out of state... Then I sat up and started digging
      1. Tbird1128 likes this.
      2. Tbird1128
        Congrats! Be smart and go with scholarships and grants not student loans. Also, check the requirements for a Pell Grant.
        Jul 18, 2018
      3. Sadie_dog
        The fact that some of them actually noticed my Certamen makes me happy... the schools that noticed me in the late school year ate up my ACT scores but some are going "ooh she's good in Latin"
        Jul 18, 2018
      4. Sadie_dog
        Yes, I'm good at English (and terrible at Math), but I'm also good in Latin. xD
        Jul 18, 2018
    4. Sadie_dog
      When you are listening back through the character songs of one of your favorite series, and you realize yer theory about their songs was true.. HAH. But I seriously love how reflective of my past this song is...
      1. Sadie_dog
        No judging. :P
        Jul 10, 2018
    5. Sadie_dog
      After a bit of a debate with myself, I step back from minecraft for quite a while. Internet's rare. I've handed my accounts over to a close friend. Sorry Slvr. Sorry khix. If I forgot to return mats, let me know.
      1. khixan and Kryarias like this.
    6. Sadie_dog
      Up at midnight, should be in bed, but 3 friends on my mind, one i haven't heard from much after a week of absence... so much on my mind, really.. shouldn't be on, this isn't my wifi, and I was only allowed a short time, not an hour and a half...
    7. Sadie_dog
      Back at home and oi notifs
    8. Sadie_dog
      Nerve crunching not avoided. I'm getting overburdened by records and my aunt. Tried to be online as much as possible but can only be online as my family reunion screams at the rain.
      1. Sadie_dog
        Boy I'm rude.
        Jun 19, 2018
    9. Sadie_dog
      Getting ready for a trip to grandma's.... Nerve crunching with the aunt may be avoided as I hide in a room filled wall to wall with records.. was 10K... grandma found 20K more... and there used to be 50K, so there's 20K somewhere.... *sets up for taking inventory*
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. Sadie_dog
        And then seconds after I post that, I get a text "We found 30K... Uhm I think you should just maybe be ready for a lot..."
        Yayyyyy now that means I'm going to be making room in my room and the shed for records cause I can't do that many records in five days...
        Jun 14, 2018
      3. Sadie_dog
        "The total is now 100K" Ok stop please just stop
        Jun 14, 2018
    10. Sadie_dog
      Missed my 500th day by 1 day.. does it still count?
      1. We3_MPO and megmewX like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. StgbtL
        a new playe- oh ok then 🙃
        Jun 13, 2018
      4. Alukiann
        Of course it still counts! :D
        Jun 13, 2018
      5. TomvanWijnen
        If anything it counts more, because another day has been counted onto the amount of days since your first login. ;)
        Jun 13, 2018
    11. Sadie_Dragon
      Hey me... xD
      1. We3_MPO and q1zx like this.
    12. Sadie_dog
      Slammed a wall too hard, got a brace on my hand again, think I messed up my pinky once again... a few days will tell.
      1. Sadie_dog
        Also when did I become a prominent member? xD
        Jun 12, 2018
    13. Sadie_dog
      Busy day again, they reopened the Minecraft consoles at the library as "all game types" so now all the kids are building a line for the consoles.... But one broke already because of overuse and I'm sitting right next to the other two... Add to that that I'm trying to code..
      1. Sadie_dog
        I have to go to Ohio in a few days to take inventory of all 10K records my Opah left behind... and I am ordered to code a simpler way to do that.... When I stink at code...
        Jun 11, 2018
      1. khixan
        Scharb, Toke, Keph, me, and others with the boat bait farm LOL
        Jun 5, 2018
      2. Sadie_dog
        Alright.. Lemme remind you why you *don't* tango with spiders.. of cave types.. *shoves you in 3G grinders* Have fun. Wait you've done that before.

        LET IT BE A MEMORY! xD

        Just lol
        Jun 5, 2018
    14. MoreMoople
      Ooo, is that a new skin I see? Love it =D
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. Sadie_dog
        I've had it. Just forgot to update my avatar.
        Jun 5, 2018
    15. Sadie_dog
      When a friend surprises you with an alt account and you set up to do a recording of you building pixel art... :D
      1. Sadie_dog
        Part one, doing good :)
        Jun 2, 2018
      2. MoreMoople
        Congrats on the alt! Did you get the name you wanted? =)
        Jun 2, 2018
      3. Sadie_dog
        Yup, HopeWarrior
        Jun 2, 2018
    16. Sadie_dog
      When you come up with a good idea, but don't have the time to make it reality.. and it just keeps unraveling..
      1. ArkonXT likes this.
      2. ArkonXT
        Me everyday.
        May 26, 2018
      3. Sadie_dog
        It doesn't help that i'm suffering with allergies -.-
        May 26, 2018
    17. Sadie_dog
      Complicated numbers... why do I love them? Now messing with Tribonacci (Fib's cousin :P)
    18. Sadie_dog
      IT WORKS IT WORKS! *feeds more input, it breaks* IT BROKE! *checks the output of the first* IT NEVER WORKED!
      1. Sadie_dog
        I give up for a week. Will code when hotspot is loaded.
        May 14, 2018
    19. PseudoDistant
      Hello! Meow. 🐈
      1. Sadie_dog
        Why the follow?
        May 9, 2018
      2. PseudoDistant
        Easy! You exist!
        May 9, 2018
      3. PseudoDistant
        I follow everyone, it's the Far Lander way!
        May 9, 2018
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