Comments on Profile Post by WolfInAction

  1. MoreMoople
    I actually only just found out how to do that lol. I did it by logging in to, uploading the photo to there, and then selecting the drop down menu to get BBCode instead of the plain link =D
    Apr 20, 2018
  2. Krysyy
    What MoreMoople said. You are unable to upload directly to the forums, but you can post a picture by first uploading to an image sharing site, then using the share links.
    Apr 20, 2018
  3. 607
    ... I was going to reply, but it looks like Moople and Krysyy already did. I think I also understand where your question came from, now. I didn't understand at first, as it took me a moment to realise how this case would differ on mobile, from on pc. :P
    I often use the tags, except for changing the font, on pc.
    Apr 20, 2018
  4. TomvanWijnen
    [img]putthelinkhere.png/jpeg/whatever[/img] is how you'd put an image. :) Make sure the link you put in between the [img] [/img] tags ends with .png/.jpeg/.whatever, so you know you have the link to JUST the picture, not the page it was uploaded to or so. :)
    If you want to upload a picture, you can do so to :)
    Apr 20, 2018
  5. WolfInAction
    Wow, thanks for all the replies! This really helped a ton, I was totally clueless. Thank you!
    Apr 20, 2018
  6. MoreMoople
    No problem! =)
    Apr 20, 2018