Comments on Profile Post by We3_MPO

  1. Roslyn
    Buy Expensive Promos. Invest your rupees wisely and earn money with ease by sitting on valuables for extended periods of time.
    Feb 18, 2018
  2. Starsphere
    What Roslyn said. Expensive promos are sure to rise - especially promos that are 500k+.
    Feb 18, 2018
  3. Krysyy
    I think I need a better explanation of 'secure' before answering.
    Feb 18, 2018
  4. Tbird1128
    Not sure how many "valuable" promos I have. Someone who has been on longer than me would have to take a look. I have a lot at my main (down the rabbit hole) at my 4th and all staff heads are at my 2nd.
    Feb 18, 2018
  5. We3_MPO
    By "secure" I mean that, in the very unlikely scenario of if a shop sign error I'm currently unaware of is exploited somehow, a way to minimize the possibility of me going broke or nearly bankrupt from it.
    Feb 18, 2018
  6. TomvanWijnen
    Then just drop all but a bit on your alt, on which you likely don't have any shop signs.

    I personally have pretty much all my rupees in promos and items, and only like 5 times had more than 500k - generally I have between 0 and 350k. :)
    Feb 18, 2018