I just need a little time to recuperate (a few days) before I get back in-game and working at the MPO, participating in events, or anything like that. Despite my open-mindedness, I do tend to be an emotionally sensitive person who is easy to scare and upset, and it's sometimes hard for me to avoid those situations or predict when it'll happen. I also tend to panic and overreact easily when I do get scared.
And about me not liking many jokes, it's true. Many (but probably not all) people with autism tend not to "get" or appreciate jokes or sarcasm, at least most of the time, and I do have autism (which is just half of why I'm a minority). In fact, I was bullied for it a few years ago. A group of boys I sat with at lunch would sing and make jokes just to upset me and laugh at my reaction.
Also, I'm sorry if I upset any of you. That wasn't my intention; I actually just wanted to clarify and apologize to those who I may have upset and/or who may not understand me as a person. Hopefully you all understand; feel free to PM me about it if you want more details, but please don't be rude.
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