Comments on Profile Post by Sadie_dog

  1. ultipig
    I feel more safe in the nether than I do in the wilderness
    Sep 30, 2017
  2. Sadie_dog
    How? :P I'm so freaking scared of doing this haha
    Sep 30, 2017
  3. ultipig
    You need good armor and good reflexes. Most of my nether activity involves mining quartz, which is easy already, so I don't feel like I'm going to die. I use an elytra to get to other islands, too.
    Sep 30, 2017
  4. _REMOVED_104180
    Oooooo... good idea Ulti
    Sep 30, 2017
  5. Sadie_dog
    I'm making a boat path across lots of lava. However, many many ghasts spawn. Some issues :P
    Sep 30, 2017
  6. We3_MPO
    I've made an ice boat road in the nether, but most of the time I go to the nether, it's either to mine quartz or to get to/from the MPO (both are quite rare for me to do).
    Feb 18, 2018