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Sep 30, 2024
Dec 3, 2015
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Dedicated Member, from Canada, Ontario

Christmas! Just a week away! Can you believe it guys? Woo! Dec 17, 2022

Ritunn was last seen:
Sep 30, 2024
    1. Ritunn
      So don't stop me now so don't stop me, cause I'm having a good time having a good time!
      1. Ritunn
        I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
        Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
        I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva
        I'm gonna go go go
        There's no stopping me
        Jan 10, 2017
      1. NuclearBobomb likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. OhMiku
        Do you want it back?
        Jan 10, 2017
      4. Ritunn
        I don't care, I can get another one whenever I feel like it.
        Jan 10, 2017
      5. OhMiku
        Jan 10, 2017
    2. Ritunn
      Back to school...
    3. Ritunn
      Grabbed a new tablet today.
      1. LordessSpartan_ likes this.
    4. Ritunn
      I just "love" it when I get in an accident with a taxi cab.
      1. LordessSpartan_ likes this.
      2. NuclearBobomb
        I dont see how you would like being in a car accident....
        Jan 6, 2017
      3. Ritunn
        That's why it's got "" around love.
        Jan 6, 2017
      4. Abdita
        *Notice the heavy sarcasm*
        Jan 10, 2017
    5. Ritunn
      Decided to change my profile pic to something other than a fox for a bit.
    6. Ritunn
      Roses are tall, violets are shorter. The true enemy of humanity is disorder.
    7. Ritunn
      My tablet is kinda broken, so I won't be able to do much on the forums till it's fixed.
    8. Ritunn
      I say we officially change the name of all Llamas on the Empire to Alpacas. Sound good?
      1. FluffeMarshmallo likes this.
      2. TomvanWijnen
        Yes! Or change it to lamas, instead of with that weird double l thingy...
        Jan 1, 2017
    9. Ritunn
      Well it's nice that 2016 is over soon. Onward to 2017 comrades, hurrah!
      1. OhMiku
        Finally, we can assume people's genders again.
        Dec 30, 2016
      2. Ritunn
        Well let's not get ahead of ourselves.
        Dec 30, 2016
      3. OhMiku
        Alright, I'll hang back till 2017
        Dec 30, 2016
    10. Ritunn
      Recently bought Starbound and have been really enjoying it.
    11. Ritunn
      Merry Christmas to all and to all I wish a wonderful, magical day!
    12. Ritunn
      "You'll shoot your eye out Ralphie."
    13. Ritunn
      What a wonderful time of the year.
    14. Ritunn
      You know it's almost Christmas when the Doctor Who holiday marathon is here.
    15. Ritunn
      Perfection is a lie. Flaws can be seen in anything you do, by anyone who knows where to look.
    16. OhMiku
      1,100 posts exactly *claps*
      1. Ritunn
        One in a million.
        Dec 19, 2016
    17. Ritunn
      Hold close to courage when faced with darkness.
    18. Ritunn
      That feeling when your dog destroys your second pair of good headphones...
      1. NuclearBobomb likes this.
      2. NuclearBobomb
        Dec 16, 2016
      3. Phelps4
        My puppy likes to destroy shoes. I hope he will kick the habit. Pun intended :P
        Dec 16, 2016
    19. Ritunn
      My school's book club seems to want me to rewrite a myth, to be read aloud for next months meeting.
      1. 607 likes this.
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      3. 607
        Perhaps a bit much for one month, though, depending on how much spare time you've got and how long you want to make it.
        Dec 14, 2016
      4. Ritunn
        It's only about a few minutes worth. I got lots of time on my hands, so I'm not worrying. Figured I would do Prometheus and Pandora's tales, since they intertwine.
        Dec 14, 2016
      5. 607
        I'd like to see the result some time. :)
        Dec 14, 2016