Comments on Profile Post by NetherSpecter

  1. 607
    Why? What'd be the problem with them?
    Oct 13, 2016
  2. NetherSpecter
    Shulker boxes retain the items placed in them, even when broken. So imagine having 27 SCs stored into an Enderchest. It would essentially allow people to carry back a maximum of 14 DCs for every trip back from their farm to town, without chest Minecarts. However you can't place a Shulker Box inside of another.
    Oct 13, 2016
  3. salmjd
    But it's vanilla =P why wouldn't they add it?
    Oct 13, 2016
  4. NetherSpecter
    Cause it's economy breaking and we all know how Aikar dislikes things that break his server. I'm mean it would be the first Vanilla thing he's messed with; spawn rates for example.
    Oct 13, 2016
  5. salmjd
    True, but this is such a direct feature. If they don't let us have em imma riot xd
    Oct 13, 2016
  6. NetherSpecter
    You aren't the only one who would be majorly bummed out if they don't get added to EMC. However I would understand if they decide to either A. Limit them, or B. Not have them at all.
    Oct 13, 2016
  7. 607
    Economy breaking?
    It might change a lot, but that's not a problem.
    Being able to teleport to and from your outpost will have such an impact, too.
    Oct 13, 2016
  8. Krysyy
    This is one thing that we actually talked about AT minecon. You'll get them for sure, but we haven't worked out any limitations. I really like the animation graphics of them though =)
    Oct 13, 2016
  9. NetherSpecter
    @607 Well I mean, taking 14 DCs of items back in one trip without the struggle of Chest Minecarts is too good for an economy server.

    @Krysyy I honestly was think of a "backpack" sort of idea and you could just use Shulker boxes as "vouchers" which max out at 5. That way people can use them without having an absurd amount of them. But I'm just spit-ballin.
    Oct 13, 2016
  10. 607
    I disagree.
    Oct 13, 2016
  11. NetherSpecter
    How so? Also I was wrong, if you fill every slot of your inventory with Shulker boxes as well as enderchest then you can carry a maximum amount of 32 DCs worth of items. Also a point I forgot to mention with your last post, teleporting from outposts to town isn't confirmed, and even if it is it will probably have a 15 minute time limit much like /gtpa.
    Oct 13, 2016
  12. finch_rocks_1
    I would like it if they could build in a bulk buying. You fill them and sell them fill.

    Also I would use it more for transportation of items out to my base rather than to town....
    Oct 13, 2016
  13. ultipig
    @NetherSpecter I like your backpack idea...
    Oct 18, 2016