I searched up fox (yes the normal orange one) and found this. Guess whats gonna be my profile picture?
So, n00b question for you all... Some time ago I joined the movement and as such my avatar shows an Artic fox. Cool (literally). But now... how do I (politely) tell it to get lost again? I tried throwing bones at it, I tried rotten fish (thanks Gawa!), dead chickens... It just moves out of the way a little and then.... there it is again The other problem is that all of a sudden my usual avatar just doesn't look as cool anymore So yeah, the plan was to keep it until the next month, but now I'll just have to add a few more extra weeks I suppose..
After the SAM sand now this I can see why people don't want to join us on the forums. They think we are a little off =P
You are unofficially an enemy of the invasion. Edit: Welp I'm stupid, I thought that picture was a dead fox ;-;