[DISCUSSION] Minecon 2015

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by chickeneer, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. i must say i am home now and was fairly disappointed with day 1 of minecon
    kitten3101 likes this.
  2. That "Achievment Hunter Q&A" was really weird... quite freaky and creepy... :p
    How? What happened?
    I think it was great, and certainly better than E3, I think.
  3. I would have loved to go, however I am a lazy man who does not wish to fly on a plane from Canada all the way over to London just to see some famous people and have some fun. Gaah, I might as well just get on Mumble and talk to people that have the same interests as me rather than pay all this money to go to a small festivity. =P
    607 likes this.
  4. Yeah it is abit pricey... Food is ridiculously over priced

    I'm loving it though.... But that might be because I'm here all expenses paid by Microsoft...

    Please don't hate me!

    I'll be around tomorrow again ofc, I'll be in a bright red "sumo digital" tshirt

    Just yell if you see me!
    BanditLM, AnonReturns and 607 like this.
  5. the day was not to bad till we decided to see what the small world exibit the worst thing ever spent 30+ mins in a que for this so call amazing ride turns out you sit in a golf cart and go around looking at a bunch of cardbord cut out of mobs with a few sound affects in the back round
    kitten3101 likes this.
  6. Why the hell would they host MineCon of the 4th of july... No offence but wtf.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  7. In London it doesn't really have any meaning, but I agree that it is a bad idea, since there are Americans, who go there, too.
    kitten3101, Deadmaster98 and 607 like this.
  8. a perfect way to waste money and time when we have the internet and friends :)
  9. Why would they not? What's wrong with the date?

    I'm going to watch today as well! And I need to watch back the mapmaking panel. All streams crashed 5 or 6 times yesterday.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  10. Some 'special' accents being cockney, Cornish, Somerset and Manchester.
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  11. For those of you attending, I'll be working the queues for the meet and greets, bright yellow shoes :)
  12. That was awesome. That was absolutely awesome. I highly recommend everyone who missed it to watch back the upcoming features panel before everything gets spoiled. Heaps of information about 1.9 and the upcoming PE updates. Much, much better than I expected, it was incredible.
    Sky, get onto updating your 1.9 thread! ;)
    f_Builder_s likes this.
  13. Over this hour, during the Minecraft Team - Behind the Scenes Panel, Searge and Grum explained how they're making it easier to implement structures and blocks with multiple models into Minecraft.

    Searge demonstrated how his 'Mystery Block', which is now known as the "Structure Block", works.

    Meanwhile, Grum was talking about how he's making it less labor-intensive to add blocks with multiple models, like fences.

    If you want to hear all of the details, go back about an hour from now from the live footage of Minecon.
  14. I missed that! That gets added to the custom map panel then, for things I need to watch back!
    That super famous YouTuber in Korea answered a question of mine! :D
  15. Here's a reason why I won't not go to Convention...
  16. that is great.
  17. Wow... I didn't even actually go there, and yet... this was one of my best experiences of the year. It was incredible ; w ;
    f_Builder_s likes this.
  18. I was just walking in as that guy was talking, won't forget that lol.
    Also, figured I would share my haul for the 2 days, bearing I mind I was working for the Sunday, so I never got much chance. (Some videos I got will also follow)

  19. Yeah, that was quite terrible. On the other hand, though, there were some pretty great questions as well.
    Byeforeverthe2nd likes this.
  20. 607 likes this.