I'm getting increasingly annoyed by the duplicate message filter. I understand the purpose as I've accidentally sent a duplicate message, however it still applies even if I type a command in between such as changing channels. I often say something in the wrong channel, for example in town chat when I mean to private message someone, or to the wrong person. Every time I go to correct this I receive 'Message blocked by filter' and end up having to deliberately put the same message with some sort of typo in order to deliver the message I wanted to in the first place. I also get the same problem when I want to say Hi to two different players who both private messaged me. I end up having to say 'Hey' to the other... I can't be the only one annoyed by this. I think it would be great if switching channels disabled the filter.
It's bit me a few times as well. I'd like to see a little code logic in there at least that includes /commands as "messages" so if you type "stuff goes here," realize you're on the wrong channel and /c local, it won't grump at you for repeating yourself.
It does handle channel changes, but going from private to a channel is one thing it wasn't handling. Just put in a fix for that but dunno when itll deploy.
Yeah this has bothered me a bit...but I end up dealing with it because at least it reduces some spam from players who intend to spam...
Nice catch, and yes; this has also got me a few times. Esp. when commenting in residence chat ((@r) stuff) and then quickly switching to town chat (@t stuff). Still, not to the extend that it started to really bother or annoy me.
What bugs me is that the filter treats all punctuation the same. For example: Qwerty189: ? Qwerty189: ;-; Your message has been blocked by the filter.