Could everyone put "Friending from EMC" in their bio on instagram so we can find you quicker and without following the wrong person?
Don't know if you all know this, but if you post your skype here and you're added by someone they can easily get your IP address and Dox you(basically gets your personal information).. So I don't really think it's such a safe idea.
Well there is an option to add Skype directly to your profile... Anyways, Doxing is a threat in any online community so you can't really prevent it. You can get peoples IP address from many different ways
My Skype: aashells Don't Remember Instagram XD You can also contact me thru Steam just click on my signature below.
I am virtually impossible to find on the internet besides Minecraft if you find anything on me, kudos. I only use this username so good luck in your searching.
Well, I can see you have quite a few first person shooters. Also, I'm not sure, but did you have a website back in 2008?
That isn't doxing. It's getting someones IP. An IP doesn't give an address or even a good location of where you are. There is actually little information an IP address gives. The only thing that could be done is a DDoS attack on your home network, but restarting your router will avoid that.
You're good. However I did not have a website that was published, but I coded a HTML website about a fake business i had to create, but that was never uploaded to the Interwebs. And I have no regrets for having that many FPS's.