Gon' call you out on one tiny little detail... Gustav Stresemann (one of the Presidents of the Weimar Republic) was partially the one who brought the Weimar Republic out of hyperinflation after the French occupied the Ruhr district and the government tried to print out unsupported money through the Dawes' Plan, which involved taking a loan out from the United States (who were a rising power during that time, and would gain superpower status in about 20+ years). Then in the 1930s, the republic fell victim to the Great Depression. The United States wanted their loan back, and the Weimar Republic collapsed. President Hindenburg elected Hitler as Chancellor (Franz von Papen promised he would keep Hitler controlled) because the people wanted the Nazis in power - a few months (might be years ) later, the Reichstag was set alight and Hitler seized the opportunity to take advantage of his Chancellor powers - and then transformed Germany into a dictatorship overnight (quite literally: he killed hundreds of people in one night, including his own party members, and banned a bunch of stuff he didn't like). He fixed the economic crisis Germany was in through forced labour, and I think caused a population boom in Germany because of his 'have dozens of kids and you'll get a medal' thing, and the 'SS Baby' thing. Where was I going with that anyway? 0.0
Google's defination of "leader": "the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country." Basically, you did contradict yourself.
No offence intended, but then your definitions differ a bit from the universally accepted definitions Bad leaders exist, as well as good dictators
What is peoples problem with taking criticism? Learn to live in the real world. Not everyone is going to love your ideas, thoughts or whatever else.
Well, the discussion went a bit weird (keep in mind that this was a bunch of crazy 6th graders debating) we went off topic a lot...from slavery to USA presidents. so that's why I'm asking you guys.
You answered your own question. Yes, Hitler was a leader. He led an entire country to war. He wasn't at all a good person, but he was still a leader.
I already believed that Hitler was a leader =P I wanted to know if other people agreed. but I see your point...oops xD
I believe Hitler was a great leader, but because he had so much pain when he was young, he committed revenge and atrocities. I see why he was mad( and if i was him i would also would have been mad, but not taken revenge), but he did not controlled himself due to his psychological disorders and physical diseases and committed revenge by killing people of his contraries see references here: these are great videos of hitler and i suggest them to you to see them in detail(if you are going to watch them, watch them completely...to understand Hitler's pain and story of his life) This videos are from a mostly neutral perspective. Try to understand both sides of the story. I know that in the US, most history is told by the winner's perspective(at least this is what i have been told) and not the looser's perspective, so keep an opened mind to understand this and to not negate the other side of the story. Here are the videos: Viewer discretion suggested as this is a strong topic(i think these are pg 13 videos) https://trutube.tv/video/27211/Part-1-Adolf-Hitler-The-Greatest-Story-NEVER-Told-2014-TGSNTtv https://trutube.tv/video/27213/Part-2-Adolf-Hitler-The-Greatest-Story-NEVER-Told-2014-TGSNTtv https://trutube.tv/video/27214/Part-3-Adolf-Hitler-The-Greatest-Story-NEVER-Told-2014-TGSNTtv https://trutube.tv/video/27218/Part-4-Adolf-Hitler-The-Greatest-Story-NEVER-Told-2014-TGSNTtv https://trutube.tv/video/27228/Part-5-Adolf-Hitler-The-Greatest-Story-NEVER-Told-2014-TGSNTtv There are more parts(30+), but these ones are the ones i have watched and these ones are the ones i suggest(because they are the only ones i have watched, lol, i know this is ironic and contradictory)
this was the bloodiest war: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_by_death_toll I thought the mongols were higher but i was wrong
If it wasn't for Hitler, you wouldn't be where you are today... The baby boom may not have occurred - so you may be a whole lot young or not even exist yet... --- Because of the wars Hitler caused, it made our nation (at least the usa) come out of a depression, work together and produce tons of weapons and equipment... It also allowed women to be allowed to finally work jobs that men were able to work ... and help turn the tide for equality... It also allowed for the world to come together to resolve something ... (it may not have lasted, but there was a brief time of peace) ..... Hitler was a leader that not only changed history, but he affected the future in positive ways as much as negative.
I agree with all of this except the orange Hitlers was a german soldier during WWI(which was caused by a Serbian murdering Austria-Hungary's archduke and Europe's secret alliances system In WWII, He was the leader of the political party. He actually did not directly began WWII( see videos above that i posted before, maybe part 3 and above) He had much hate against other(for an acceptable reason(watch videos above)) and released the hate by using military forces. He started WWII by not hearing to the Brittish orders(watch the videos aboves, specifically part 5 ending)
Sees "was hitler a leader" Wonders.. Ain't this a mine craft forum...? *minds own business, flies away*
I see it's the monthly "Let's be serious" thread. Yes he was a leader, a quite good one actually minus the war and holocaust.