Time to first million rupees?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JonnyLong, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. lmfao

    OT - It took me 77 days to break a mill in mid-late 2013. Nowadays it would probably take like a week if you're trying XD
  2. Argghhh. God damn you Biggin.

    Brb, hacking square to find out. *dials Nick5013 and global network of elite haxors*
  3. I know the highest quantity of rupees I ever saw on Square was from some guy dropping like $4,000 during the double or quadruple rupee purchase thing. It was over ten million rupees. It may have changed hands on multiple occasions.

    It was over two years ago. Odds are, nobody remembers who/what I'm talking about. I might even be lying. Who knows?
    JackBiggin likes this.
  4. Never hit a million, though I have some promos that are just burning a hole in my vault at the moment... :p
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  5. #SellMeEverything
  6. Do you have 1.5 million to pay for it all? :p
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  7. Perhaps if I sold some of my promos, and maybe bought an iron supporter voucher, then sure! =D
  8. Lets see...
    I've almost gotten to 100k twice. Never made it either time.
    And I have about a million in promos, plus whatever resources I have.
  9. highest i have had is 600k, but i spend the rupees so fast so i have never bothered to save a mill :3
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  10. i don't really see a point in having lots of cash. I spend all mine all the time working on builds on smp6, I hope that my builds will inspire others to build and show that no matter the cost, there is always a way to build it.
  11. #Exposed
    PenguinDJ and BlackKnight1021 like this.
  12. Hopefully I should reach a 100k+ when I finish auctioning any extra promos and my enchanted books.