[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. OK, but if she/he doesn't want to do it, I'll do it if my parents give me permission.
  2. Dats not Twue!!!
  3. gotta love the spam from these people...

    lol! XD
  4. And you have to love me
  5. 1701 BOOM im always loving the 1 post after :3
  6. Wow, this silence...

    Time to continue with our endeavour?

    There were quite some requests lately to expand Carthaga's media coverage, i.e. set up a webpage, a mumble channel, twitter and instagram account. I am not quoting the people here that brought this up, but hope that you read this.

    I think we should definitely continue with the web page (thanks Awesome, for setting this up). I have some ideas how we can integrate it with our thread here:
    Some of the opening post's content can safely go onto the webpage (Ranking, member list, financial statement, etc.). This will help to tidy up the clutter there.
    Then there are some real gems in this thread, like many nice or funny screenshots, the historical maps and many more. The problem now is, that nobody can ever find anything back. That would be much easier on a webpage. And then there are some Carthaga organizations like the TCT or Squad that could have their own sections on a webpage. Right now, their posts are all over the thread and impossible to retrieve.

    BUT: This will only be possible with the help of the community and makes only sense if we promote it. For example, we will need somebody to download all screenshots from the thread. The page also needs to be updated over time to make it a vibrant and interesting place.

    So, if you guys are with me here, reply. I will then post more details, on how to go about it.

    I set up a twitter account:

    People of Carthaga@PoCarthaga
    For mumble it would be useful to have a channel on EMC's server in the group channels section. But I forgot what krysyy required from us to do so.

    Many more things happened, but one-by-one...
  7. Kaizimir, how many points do I get for my barn? (The big one by the creeper statue)
  8. Hey toto, the barn looks really cool. I'll pm you about the points and also something else :)

    Now, please back to the webpage project.
  9. Thanks for writing the whole site in a different language. :rolleyes:
  10. Yeah, that's latin. I don't know why, but this is the auto generated content from Google. So the page is basically empty.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. No its not latin actually - it just looks like it is. Its purposely gibberish and if you would try to translate it it will not make any sense. Its just a placeholder text and the combination of those words and punktuation makes it possible to look like real formatted text - its a layout dummy without any real meaning :) Its like the sentence : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' which contains every letter in the alphabet for testing purposes of keyboards and alike
    Kaizimir, Gawadrolt and SEPTHEKID like this.
  12. Just wondering, are you planning to expand Carthaga to the other servers?
  13. Interesting. I knew there was something wrong with the text, but didn't figure out what it was. Thanks for the info.

    Edit: The words are latin though.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  14. 1710th post :D
    Wow a twitter account (I'ma follow with my 10yr old sis' account cus mine wont follow anyone)
    How about instagram and why not fix the web page aye? make it so dummies like me can read it XD
    Also We Could yes as you mentioned get mumble so it would be easier for ppl to apply if they wouldn't like to type it out
    ALSO! I like the idea of having a squad section... maybe we could have a profile of the SWAT team members
    Yes All these updates are amazing! And we MUST! make the web page know in Carthaga maybe at the portal so everyone can see it even if they don’t go on the forums. Also we should get to work on the new apartment building because members are joining really quickly. Once its full it would be too late to make the apartments because members will be wanting to get some storage and a place to call temporary home. Just Sayin'
    Anyways Sorry For the wall of text :3 Just trying get everything in my head down on this thread
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  15. For instargram or twitter?
  16. 1+ we should but it would be really hard and a long term project... maybe if kai can find some talented builders in carthaga to make another carthaga outpost that is linked to this one then it could happen... then again it would take some time to plan it and sort it out. But I'm liking this idea but maybe only 2 or 3 servers not all
    P.S I actually think it would be harder to manage and we would need a leader for the other outpost and 5 people form this one to stay there and help new members go there.
    Just My Opinion
  17. Twitter
  18. New account or ..?
  19. depends... prob same one