Share your Art!

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Maxarias, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Iv'e been focusing more on my art lately :p I usually post most of my things on my IG, I would like to add that I use a touchpad on my school laptop so that might explain the dodgy lining I did use references' for these omg don't kill me dfghnjm.PNG My oc, Storm Cloud lm.PNG Wip
  2. I tried to draw a replica of wouldn't let me post it tho :(. image.jpg
  3. I was going to comment on how your OC image strongly resembled Dennybutt's style, but checking your Instagram kind of confirmed that for me.
  4. ninjakiwi. Really bad, could be better, but who cares?
    Also, a unicorn rainbow kitty butterfly.
    Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 2.28.00 PM.png
    iNachos10, 607 and PlayTehMinecraft like this.