[Suggestion] St. Patrick's Day Promo

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by TechNinja_42, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. Beer.

    'Nuf said.

    Although that might transcend PG-13... but screw the rules!
    Burn this mother down.gif
    Chocolate800 likes this.
  2. Is this the best idea I've ever heard, or what? Of course, there'd have to be some changes to it to accommodate the players that would be complaining about gettin the not special dirt, but hey, otherwise, that sounds awesome. :D
  3. Anything to do with St.Patricks day im up for! ^-^
  4. Amazing idea!!!! :) maybe there could be a lucky animal as well? XD like in the Lucky
    Block mod. ;)
    TechNinja_42 likes this.
  5. St. Patty's Day skellies wearing green leather armor? Or St. Patty's day sheep that are dyed green?
    TechNinja_42 and Chocolate800 like this.
  6. im thinking a promo sheep egg with green wool or a bucket of water/ milk renamed Irish coffe ? :p
    TechNinja_42 and Chocolate800 like this.
  7. B-but... St. David's day never got a promo... and Krysyy stated awhile back that we would only have promos for American holidays, unless it was celebrated internationally by a religion (so Christmas and stuff).

    You do, however, have my +1 - but only if it meant that St. David's day (Wales), St. George's day (England), and St. Andrew's day (Scotland) also got promos. I'd like to display my Britishness (who need more loving on this server ;-; )and Irishishness (the Irish also need more loving on this server ;-; ) on EMC somewhere :p
  8. How 'bout another potion promo?
    TechNinja_42 likes this.
  9. St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in the USA.
  10. +1 very niceee
    TechNinja_42 likes this.
  11. Can be abused.
    Find 1 diamond ore, mine it, pace one of the two ores, mine it again, and so on.
    Rainbowpony1000 and PenguinDJ like this.
  12. Never heard of those days...

    America does celebrate saint Patrick's day though, I can say that. I am pretty sure it's just an excuse to get drunk.
    Wait,who is saint Patrick?
  13. I doubted you'd celebrate St. George's day since the whole point of the USA's creation was to be independent from the British Empire. I also doubted you'd celebrate St. David's day, since many Americans I have met (they obviously do not represent the whole country) have ever even heard of Wales and have a bit of a giggle when they realise the similarity between 'Wales' and 'whales' :p

    You guys need an excuse to get drunk over there? ._.
    I would hate to live over there... :p (British people drink a lot, if you didn't already hear. Like, we're allowed to drink small amounts of alcohol at the age of 5 - that's how much we drink, lul)
  14. From wiki:
    TechNinja_42 and hashhog3000 like this.
  15. Love it! Great idea.

    TechNinja_42 likes this.
  16. Scranton sure doesn't need an excuse, but they'll seize the opportunity with both hands anyway. :rolleyes:
    But yeah, as Krysyy pointed out, St. Patrick's is nationally recognized. Not so much that we get the day off, but man I do not look forward to trying to get to work that day... city's gonna be an absolute mess.

    On a promo-related note, I've suggested before a "Pot o' Gold" item similar to the Haunted Heads from halloween - cauldrons (instead of pumpkins) that have a random chance to give gold nuggets, ingots, blocks (very rare), or other goodies. Once-per-day use.
  17. Also, this is not a promotional item, but I think could benefit the Empire.
    No more Year-Specific promos. I would love to see some repeated promos that could be achieved in different ways mainly to get newer players a chance to catch up on promos.
    TechNinja_42 likes this.
  18. *cough* Cupid's Bundle Items....
    TechNinja_42 and SkyDragonv8 like this.
  19. That is why I loved what you guys did for that. I thank you!
    TechNinja_42 likes this.