[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Cobble stone industry
    SEPTHEKID and DracaMann like this.
  2. I can't come online till tomorrow
  3. I would love meeting you
  4. I might be on later today :) Find me by the automated tree farm.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.

    As the new post office manager, When I was extending the post office & checking all coal ranks and above had a mailbox, it had come to my attention that some people made a mailbox when they weren't meant to. So a reminder to you all, please don't make a mailbox unless you are coal rank or above. I have checked to make sure that all people with a coal rank and above have mailbox's so go and check the list down below to see of you need to lock your mailbox. If have missed you, click here and I will set up a chest for you, don't just set the chest up by yourself! If you don't no where the post office is already it is located outside the portal room, one of the first buildings you see when you walk out.

    •Peacebone66 - Shouldn't have made a chest..
    •Hex022103 - perm banned


    SEPTHEKID and Kaizimir like this.
  6. So cool to have a mailbox! :)
    So impressed how organised you guys are !

    One question tho, "DracaMann" is a very old player name from when I bought MC in 2010 (in alpha would you believe!)
    I jumped on the chance to change it on Feb 4 this year to Meswrex which I've been using in other games for a couple of years. What I am wondering is when EMC brings in the changes, if I lock my mailbox with DracaMann does anyone know if I can relock it as Meswrex when it comes through?

    I guess I may even have to set up another account on EMC.com which would be a pain.

    Anyway, please don't shun Meswrex when I turn up - it will still be me. Mojang knows!
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  7. Uh, nice one. 15 hundredth post for the post office :D
  8. Wow didn't even notice till you said that! :D
    I do belive that staff are working on a code that will change the users on locked chests ECT, but just to be safe I would add both users on the locked chest :)
    Starzival, SepTheKid and Meswrex like this.
  9. What a good idea! Now that's out of the "box" thinking! (see what I did there? :))
    SEPTHEKID and Rainbowpony1000 like this.
  10. 1. In-game name: huckleberry24
    2. Timezone: New Zealand (UTC + 12:00)
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: Coming up to 4 years
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: Kicked for argument with a player about 11 months ago
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: I have a mall in the stocking stage and I have another mall planned aswell.
    6. What is your favourite Minecraft activity: Building big projects/skyscrapers and mining.
    7. Why do you want to join PoC: Because I have been looking around frontier outposts and this looks certainly the best. I like how the community seems so organised and well knit.
    8. Which of the 8 commandments do you find most important: I believe that every single commandment is important, however if I had to choose one, it would be number 1. I majorly support respect.
    P.S I stated above that I knew how to get to Carthaga but it seems I have forgotten, so if I get accepted please include them :p Thanks.
  11. Noob question: does it still cost 1000r to set up a lock in a frontier outpost? I tried to lock my mailbox by removing the sign and putting it back and I was charged 1000r, refunded inside of 300s by removing it (yes, I'm a scrooge).
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  12. Lol :p it costs 1k (1000r) each locked chest you set up in the frontier. If you take it town within 30seconds-1minute I believe you are refunded 500r :)
    Starzival, SepTheKid and Meswrex like this.
  13. Don't you get a full refund within the time frame?
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  14. You got the invite :)
    SEPTHEKID and huckleberry24 like this.
  15. Unless it has changed within the past couple of days then no, it will give you 500r in the time frame, when you first create the locked chest it says something like "1000 rupees has been deducted from your account, if you do not wish to proceed remove the sign within 30 seconds for a 500r refund".
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  16. 2015-03-07_15.36.33.png
    Galantisizer and SEPTHEKID like this.
  17. Close enough.... ;p
    SEPTHEKID and huckleberry24 like this.
  18. WOOO!!!! 15 DC's converted to Paper! :p

    Attached Files:

  19. In PoC I am extending it!


    I am building famous land marks such as Big Ben, statue of Liberty, the Empire State building, ect
  20. as I thought this was one of our beacons. I will set it up again :)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.