February 2015: Show Your Love!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. This Is My 132Speed Horse, I Love Him Because He Is As Fast As The Wind And Is Undefeated On My Race Course
  2. Oh Sorry the picture Didnt work
  3. This Is My Love, My 132 speed Horse
  4. I love Live2dieslowly :3 we have had so much fun playing on EMC, roaming around killing enraged mobs and finding hard to find ores while digging. All the scares and laughs :3 that we have shared playing minecraft And it couldn't have happened with her :3
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  5. I love flowers because they're soooo pretty and great to decorate with! c:

    Attached Files:

    krysyyjane9191 and Seffychan like this.
  6. be patient we will get em soon :p
  7. https://strifter.imgur.com/all/

    the love of all those player heads.....i have no clue why but gathering up player heads became an addiction for me many months ago when i came up with the idea to build a display. it started with just a few player heads (those of a few friends from a different server) and then it began to grow and grow. now i have so many dcs of player heads and the build isnt completed so now they just sit there on my res in chests
    ELLIE_JOHNSON, krysyyjane9191 and 607 like this.
  8. 2015-02-19_15.22.03.png
    I love redstone because it adds a more complex element to minecraft. Also there is quite a few things redstone can do to make minecraft easier for you! ;)
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  9. Something tells me that we would make great friends <3
    607 likes this.
  10. 2015-02-12_01.33.28.png
    Michael Patelli was one of the last villagers in New Autumnville. He was my best friend and gave me many emeralds in exchange for working with the cattle and farms that I brought to the remnants of his village when I annexed my outpost on his village.. Many villagers died from the monster attacking from the nearby mines before I went in and cleaned them out.. Unfortunately a creeper made its way into the village one day when the moon dawned on utopia by accident.. It rushed at me and Michael rushed to me and pushed me out the way only to die himself to the dreaded creeper hug. In memory of him, I chose to name the lake outside my house after him. He did so much for me in his lifetime and I applaud his sacrifice and choose to honor him in this month of love.

    ...and I just realized that I am 5 days too late posting this... T-T
  11. You're safe; the event is running throughout the entire month.
    607 likes this.
  12. i love villagers. (in fact, ive trapped 10 of them >;D0 so heres a pic (in my secret base) :)

  13. i love villagers, well, because they look... goofy :D. ive trapped 10 in my secret base (that only my friends can see :cool:) they love emeralds and so do i (i like them more than diamonds) we atleast have one thing in common :D Trapped villager.png
    krysyyjane9191 and ChickenDice like this.
  14. 2015-01-11_11.21.41.png I love when I am minning and I am killed by an enraged zombie
  15. Being a hotheaded Flareon like myself, I just have to come to the conclusion that my absolute love is competition.
    And what better way to show that off then PvP...? :D

    Here you can see me and a few other regular peeps just hanging out and slashing up a storm with one another xD

    (yes, I know I'm a flareon in PvP blue and I know it's outta place. shhhhhh :p)

    Extra bonus points for unknowingly having everyone else distracted (including karkar651) so I could take this freely. This would NOT have been easy to snap otherwise. xD
    ELLIE_JOHNSON, krysyyjane9191 and 607 like this.
  16. file:///Users/jcre/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202015-02-20%20at%205.51.01%20AM.png
    I love my horse, Liverpool. =D
  17. 2015-02-20_15.19.38.png I love my orebuster, my orebuster loves me. We LOVE each other!
    I love her because she "busts" ore jokes all the time!
    She loves meh because...
    She loves meh because I am meh... (Who doesn't love meh)
    P.S (I am not really cocky I'm just kidding! )
    P.S.S She loves meh...
    P.S.S.S She loves meh not...
    P.S.S.S.S She love meh...
    *Heart breaks*
    *Tears form*
  18. So I assume there wont be another roll for a Rose Bouquet for those who are turning in photos late?
    607 likes this.
  19. I would indeed not think so.
  20. I do believe it said that the draw would be held on valentines day, but it would be cool if there was another.
    Although having another draw would bring the price down of the promotional item "Rose bouquet".
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