whats ur fav miniboss and y and what promo/miniboss drop item that u don't have do u want the most and y (no vouchers)
Last answers before I announce the winners... Voter's gear and laborbench I like Momentus better than Marlix, simply because he spawns more often and can be hunted better. I have fought a couple, yet I haven't got any special drops Napoleon, I wanna conquer the world with light speed, similar to an unladen swallow.
The winners are: 1. Price: haastregt (no joke, that's what random.org chose) 2. Price: BanditLM 3. Price: karatekick2001 Congratulations haastregt, BanditLM and karatekick2001. Many thanks to everybody for asking questions. 35 people asked 43 questions and it was fun answering them. I mailed/wired the prices to the winners.
HAHA! You are sure it is no joke? I think you accidentally put in my name 5 times xD Btw, I didnt get any mail o.0
To my own surprise no joke and the list was right. Good luck for you Have you got the mail now? I couldn't log in before to send it. But now it is out.