SMP8, you worry me.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kephras, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Well panda. You seem to be getting into the community! Come to 16549 to post those messages tho. Spread the word! :p
    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. Swaggerlicious was terrified too
    Tuqueque, ClareMuss and Xinn like this.
  3. How do I order this smurf package???
    Tuqueque, Gadget_AD, Matherox and 2 others like this.
  4. I am not sure which is better. The smurf package or rex's comments on krysyy's face and her reply =P

    At least the abraham lincoln story was not posted =P

    Sorry for small image


    Olaf_C: our staff are scary and soulless
    Olaf_C: but do not worry
    krysyyjane9191 has joined, last seen 50 seconds ago
    Olaf_C: speaking of scary staff
  5. 2014-12-17_00.46.38.jpg
    I love you, SMP8. Never change.

    I stand corrected. Change your pants, at least.
    _Bunni__, Tuqueque, Gadget_AD and 7 others like this.
  6. I'm actually using this this thread for a book i'm writing IRL (not gonna be published.. xDD)
    Tuqueque, ClareMuss and Xinn like this.
  7. "Once upon a time in the magical land of EssEmPeeEight, there lived an asylum of people who married random objects, talked of the mechanics of Darth Vader's helmet and did their best to fit into everyone's pants"
  8. And best supporting actor goes to....... Opleasent!!!

    *flips table and throws drink in someone's face*
    Tuqueque and Xinn like this.
  9. I was looking thru an old thread and saw Kephras say this VVVV
    Tuqueque, 607 and Xinn like this.
  10. These nights never fail to amuse me :D
    Especially this one in particular: (for obvious reasons)
    is this pokemobs or.png
    _Bunni__, Tuqueque, 607 and 4 others like this.
  11. OMG! I was in there
    Tuqueque likes this.
  12. I am thinking that I should move to SMP8...
    Tuqueque, BurgerKnight, 607 and 5 others like this.
  13. #SMP8MasterRace
    Tuqueque likes this.
  14. What's holding you back...? >:3
    Tuqueque likes this.
  15. The fact that if I unclaim a res right now I can't claim a new one. :p I'll have to get diamond supporter to fix that up, perhaps I'll do that. I think some general conversational rowdiness will be good for me. :)
    Tuqueque likes this.