It is a formal dance kinda like Prom but not as big. U dance with others (a date if u have one) and hang with friends and have a good time.
Basically yes It's a party.. Homecomings vary school to school. Some might be formal and dance after the game or some might just be at half-time at football game. Most of my Homecomings I was too busy playing football but group of us after the game would host a Pasture party. Great times..
If you have a certain girl on mind and you think she may like you too, find out what she likes. Work that into the question. Like if she liked doctor who, you could ask 'would you be my companion to the dance? on a little folded up tardis' That's my only real example, so don't give me smack about it =P The biggest thing is that from a girl's perspective, EFFORT COUNTS!!! She will likely gossip and brag to her friends about how you ask so try to make it personal and make her friends jealous. Merely asking her might get the answer, but doing it in a creative way will make her remember it for the rest of her life and get you major brownie points =)
that is tru. and i am not giving smack lol. but idk if she likes me...i dont know how to figure that out. my friend said that she does not know what she would say to me. So idk if i should go for it..or nah
I once asked out a guy by writing a simple 'mark yes or no' with the question 'Would you go to the 8th grade dance with me?'. It was the only way I could do it. I was SUPER shy in grade school so I can understand kinda what you are going through. The biggest thing is that you should always take a chance. Worst scenario, she says no and you find out her answer. You go to the dance with your buddies instead of a date and still have a good time. Best case scenario, she says yes and you two become a couple. You won't know if the cat is alive or dead until you open the box. (schrodinger's cat reference)
Over here we just have one prom at the end of Year 11 to 'celebrate' (only in some schools, like mine) finishing High School and GCSEs. Only females and two or three males attend though, and girls 'can't wait' until they have theirs. When the time finally comes, they regret waiting 5 years to have one because they're boring to people I made my decision as to whether or not I was going in Year 8; answer was clearly a no since I hate parties and stuff >.>
Describe to me her interests, likes/dislikes, and personality. I might be able to put together something.
Well she is nice, (kinda preppy though), blonde we talk only in science class because that is all we have together. (45min). We chose to be lab partners that is why i am nervous because if no then science is gonna be a lot harder to complete with that awkwardness between partners.
Just ask as a friend, you don't have to think it's awkward, if you try play it normal it'll be fine hoping she's sound enough, she'll feel the same and you can just go back to being friends It's worked well for me before and I'm only 14!
well plot twist...she posted on twitter that (quote) "plot twist you want me back" i cant remember who it was my friend just showed that to me...what now....
I'd say abort. She might want to go as friends, but undoubtedly no more than that. She is still thinking of someone else and that is never good in a relationship.
well then. i at least can find someone else then. idk though maybe i will go with friends. I will hold a drwing tomorrow for the 10k! thanks everyone
So I've seen the post above, but I've got part of a plan should you choose to try it out. So you're gonna start of with a regular conversation, then try getting the gears in motion. You'll first need to try small talk; be it of movies that were recently released, maybe celebrity gossip, the ongoings of your school, POPULAR MUSIC. The reason I said the last two words in capital letters is because they're the next step. Once you start talking about music, eventually getting onto the topic of what she actually likes (which I hope is similar to your likings). Once a song is mentioned, say something like "hopefully they'll be playing that at the dance". BOOM, you've just reached the most vital part. This is D-Day, this is the wire-cutting of a bomb, the most important move you'll make in a game of chess. Initiate talk about homecoming: what will be worn, what dance moves shall be done, who will be be going with who. The Eagle has landed. You've reach the eye of the hurricane. It is now time to open the bay doors, Maj. Therebee. It is okay to have a bit of a hesitation here, to be unsure if it will all pay off, I'm assuming she'll notice this and see that the words aren't something out of a dare, and are truly something of affection. Take the shot and ask a question akin to: "speaking of Homecoming/the dance, would you be interested in going with me?" This is all I can say, except good luck.
I don't know what that means????? I don't know if it would change my advice, but here it is. Asking a girl to a dance was always a really big deal when I was younger, so I'm not going to say to just ask her. The fear of rejection is crazy hard to overcome. I can look back (I'm married and have kids now) and see how I let fear rob me of a lot of fun when I was younger. I also built a lot of things up in my mind to be bigger than they needed to be. Compliment her, let her know that you enjoy spending time with her in class and that she doesn't have to make a relationship decision, but that you think it would be fun to go. Some of your friends will be there and some of her friends and you don't have to spend all of your time together exclusively. You could meet at the dance rather than 'going' together or ride with some friends. Let her know that you would like to go, and that she is the only girl that you have considered asking. Make her feel that she is special, but not that she is making a life long commitment. If you seem to have a good time, you could move on to asking her on a date some time in the future. Don't do a huge build up, so that if she has some other plan in her mind, you can take the hint. Something like, well otherwise I might just meet some of my guy friends there. I would always make too much of something like this and then chicken out, thinking that a girl would be insulting to me in the way she refused. This girl is a regular person on the inside no matter how special she is in your eyes. By that I mean, she also has fears and insecurities and flaws. Be prepared to reassure her (honest, this will really happen) that you will be sure to do anything she needs for her to be comfortable with the arrangement, or remind her that it's just for fun in the end and it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks. That's a big enough wall of text. I wish you good fortune. Or try the twerking thing.