Artist Formally Known As IcecreamCow! Also, AMA, I suppose.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by GloriousKoch, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. You just made me realize something I did by must be fate. Second community I made before creating EMC was called GameKrib...and now I'm GK. :O
  2. -Implies We'll be alive when it comes out

  3. Woah. I love it when things like that happen. You've come full circle :p
  4. That's what she said.
  5. I'm sure it will be. (Crosses Fingers)
    Rainbowpony1000 and Mirr0rr like this.
  6. This name reminds me of this guy...

    Please tell me you aren't him :p
    sambish20 likes this.
  7. I knew it. I knew it! Even though the video didn't load the first few tries, I just knew it had to be let it go :p

    Anyway, interesting... I'll for sure have to find a good way to pronounce this though.. :rolleyes:
  8. *Looks in mirror*

    Nope, not him.
  9. The force is with you young Luke
    GloriousKoch and Luke4214 like this.
  10. Who is mah fahtha?
  11. Aunt Bessy is
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. So. I've wanted to do a personal blog for many years now, but never really got around to it. More or less because I've never been sure which topics people are interested in my views on. The blog is more or less a general, 'about anything' blog, but of course will likely have more gaming posts over time than anything else. I have a basic intro post there. I'm interested in which topics or subjects you'd be interested in me writing about. Once I have a decent subject to write about, I'd say I'm better than average at writing about it. I just need some content ideas! Thanks. :)
    Palmsugar and 607 like this.
  13. Cool! :) That post was great!
  14. Welcome back man. Hopefully once I am at my next command in Yokosuka Japan (hopefully the Navy doesn't change it again) I will be able to see you online again and work with ya some more.
  15. Sounds fun, getting to go to Japan! Though, I'm merely here as a bystander. Won't likely get to involved in playing or doing anything on the actual server, due to other obligations. However, I'll still hang out on the forums, etc. now and then. :)
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  16. Thanks. Glad you liked it. I figure I had to get semi-personal since most 'first post' blogs I've seen literally just talk about: "This is the first post, herp derp."
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  17. Something tells me that eventually you will find it hard to resist a little visit to the servers some day. :cool:
  18. So, I've inspired myself to write my thoughts on a subject that is relevantly important to all of us right now...the EULA enforcement. I haven't really publicly spoken outside of my circle my thoughts on EULA for the most part and I know I won't have a popular response to my opinion of it, but I decided to play devil's advocate to the anti-mojang EULA stance. It's not to say that those who disagree with me are wrong, but more or less meant to make the best out of the situation at hand. Let me know what ya think. :)
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  19. Nice to see you back, Jeremy. much easier to speak to you on this now instead of Facebook, but yh i have a few things id like to still speak to you on, ill Private message you them, :D
  20. Sounds good BTHarrold98.
    BTHarrold98 likes this.