[CONTEST] EMC Theme Build: 'Summer'

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Can i join the build team? do you just donate and that adds you to the build team?
  2. And also, will they be judged just by appearance or if they do something cool with redstone will that up its rating?
  3. If you wish to join to join the build team, pleas send a PM to krysyy or Max detailing some of your builds.
    Donating won't get you on.
  4. yea i was wondering the same thing. i dont download anything so pictures could be nice :)
  5. Love the first place winner and that Easter Egg they put in the water well, very well done!
  6. I really thought I had a shot at this... Let's hope for another one! :D
  7. yea i agree another would be fun but possibly more room ;p anyone of you that have seen them that can possibly take at least 1 screenshot of the 3 winners builds? would be nice if so
  8. Screenshots of the winners

  9. sweet thanks, congrats to the winners nice builds btw
  10. Funny note about yours 820327.
    One of the judges comments were: "So if i fall off the swing, I land in the fire? hmmm..."

    Thought you ought to know =)
    cowland123 likes this.
  11. i made mine to be more than just a build XD hince the snowman melted and little things like you mentioned lol. was wondering how many were caught onto
  12. So you wanted to roast those that fail at swinging? :confused:
    cowland123 likes this.
  13. i mean frosty tried and failed....hopefully its a lesson to others to not fail/try it ;p
    607 likes this.
  14. Wow, congrats to JadenIrwin and sugarpunk! Very nice builds, i love the car on jadenirwins build bad the warm colours on sugarpunk's build, I tried doing this with ores and putting the sun at sunset. Congrats, JadenIrwin and sugarpunk. [#quote="southpark347, post: 769023"]Love the first place winner and that Easter Egg they put in the water well, very well done![/quote]
    Lol you found it! Didn't expect anyone to find it
  15. Congratz, to the winners, love all your builds!
  16. By the way Krysyy, do u know what happened to my 25000r donation. After you told me I needed to send it to you, I did. I was told you would get it even though I capitalized the K. It was deducted from my account but, never heard you received it
  17. Should be in the list up there in the post
  18. It's not there, which is fine, just want to be sure you got it.
  19. But I just looked and it is there. .. see the contest info spoiler? Click it. Then click top donor spoiler.