[CONTEST] EMC Theme Build: 'Summer'

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. %appdata% is an easy way to get there in file explorer.
    607 likes this.
  2. Hey krysyyjane9191, is my world possible to view???
  3. Yes
  4. The judges have gone through the current submissions. If your link did not download, I have sent you a message.
  5. Thank you
    "You have 1 new message"
  6. Has my submission actually gotten in?

    Is it actually possible to check?
  7. It looks like that if there were any problems with your entry, krysyy would have PM'd you.
    If she didn't PM, your fine.
  8. Yes, I have received your submission.
  9. Krysyy, did u receive my donation of 25,000?
  10. If you sent it, yes.
    sambish20, BevK56 and 607 like this.
  11. I see where you filled out the donation form, but i have not received the rupees yet. Please send them to my account asap and i can add you to the list up on the post.
  12. I'm sorry I thought it did it automatically, wasn't sure. Sending now!
  13. Just submitted! I wanted to post and make sure both my submission and download link were accessible by the judges. :)
  14. krysyy, I see I put a capital K on your username, it was taken out of my rupees, how can I fix it?
  15. /r pay isn't case sensitive if that's what you mean
    607 and sambish20 like this.
  16. Oh ok, thanks, samsimx! I wasn't sure.
  17. Hey, Is it alright if you use modded blocks? probably not.
  18. Sadly not