[EULA] Mojang Supporter Changes Discussion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Gibabyte, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. Wow Pab10S way to be insulting.
  2. How so? If you mean my reference to the "word game crowd", this thread and other threads on other forums are full of examples of people trying to circumvent the EULA by picking it apart and playing games with semantics. Ignoring the fact that people can buy the ability to instantly transport items to and from Endertopia is more of the same. I am not insulting anyone by that, but being honest.
  3. You just implied that Aikar was not intelligent enough to understand the EULA, because he interprets it differently than you (or that he was deliberately misunderstanding) Maybe leave room for other people's opinions to be valid?
  4. Nope. Of course that is your opinion. Try re-reading it. I actually said that I think he IS intelligent and that I think he DOES understand it so the fact that he does not seem to get the point suggests that he is ignoring it. I am not sure how it can be seen as anything but a valid point. If he wants to overlook it it is his business not mine. I was trying to point it out so it could be addressed.
  5. How about giving EMC the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are trying to find a way to follow the EULA and still survive, not that they are "playing games" but trying to pay their bills so you have a place to play your games? Do you want to see EMC fail? Because it kind of sounds like you do.
  6. I haven't read what he has said, but I know he wouldn't want EMC to die. What is needed in discussions like these are people willing to go against the general grain in order to expose issues with the current plan or ideas being discussed. This is not working against anyone, but is just them taking a different role in helping out.
    Twitch1 likes this.
  7. --edit-- I re-read your post and realized it wasn't directed to me.

    But an update to where we are:

    As everyone is aware now, I'm encouraging everyone to retweet the #SaveMinecraft - and I also personally emailed Notch and Owen our story, on how these new EULA changes are unfair, and gave them solutions to make everyone happy, by solving the problems they are trying to solve, at the same time of leaving servers like ours alone and let us keep our perk structure.

    The fact that Notch is wanting to quit Mojang over this shows that pressure is building on them.

    I'm not the kind to stand by and "accept" what I'm told. I fight for what is right. I will fight for EMC to keep the style we have.

    I think too many people are being extremely submissive to this...

    That's why I have an appointment with a lawyer this evening to weigh our options on how much we need to comply, as Mojang does not have legal ground for a lot of what they are saying, and they are using FEAR as a way to get what they want.

    I intend to comply as much as possible, but I'm worried that full compliance would ruin what we have built on EMC, so I'm looking to find the best option to keep the great community experience we have and if we have to break the EULA, make it small enough Mojang will not bother with us.
  8. As a community, we are at great risk of insolvency if we do not find a balanced way to transition from our current model to one that fits legally into the mold that is being forced upon us. Supporters who have helped the community grow for years would have features stripped from them and forced into a less gainful return for future support. It would be a slap in the face and quite possibly be illegal in the U.S. to change the terms of service as drasticly as a strict interpretation of majongs (intentional sp) new letter would dictate.

    With full intention of compliance with the directives, EMC is resolving to the best of its ability the promises made to it's members. This is a priority. Compliance with rule changes that were not approved by the membership is fundamentally what this thread is about.

    If majong were to use the hard reading of its own directive, then it would cost everyone $12 a month to play on their new realms service rather than one person paying and others using it for free. If fairness was the primary reason for the new directives, then they would not have been written to so specifically target competition to their realms service offering.

    If we are talking about honoring the intent, the source code should be made GPL as notch publically stated to gain support from developers who made the massive multiplayer servers possible and grew the community to what it is today.
    highlancer54 likes this.
  9. That is what I assumed. :p

    I apologize if this was already suggested...:oops:

    If we can pay to access servers now, then why don't we have a Iron server, Gold server, and Diamond server? By buying the supporter level, one would be automatically be added to the whitelist. The only thing promised would be the whitelist. What would happen though is that through the promo system, there would be perks vouchers. After claiming the vouchers, vault (I suspect that wouldn't be allowed though) them over to the rest of the servers. When another payment comes through for supporter, the player's data is wiped on that server and then they can get the promos again.

    These servers would be incredibly low resourced. No plots, and about a 10-15 player cap. This would help keep costs down (in terms of server resources) and minimize chance of crashing.
    mba2012 likes this.
  10. And what do you get for that ? no widlkerness, no town (ok thats not needed :) ), no wasteland.
    so i guiess your just in one big unprotected realm wasteland. thats getting more empty and empty with resources.

    Thats not going to work, how can iron visit a gold server , how can diamnd go to iron server ?
    That would break the whole ideo.
  11. They wouldn't.
    They'd only access the server they paid for, and it wouldn't be a server you "actively play on"
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. They wouldn't visit each others server. They would only visit their own server to get their own promos.
    Edit: ugh he wins>.<
  13. Mojang has stated that everything accessed beyond your initial connection is being classed as the same server. Could we then have a regular lobby, a iron lobby, gold lobby and a diamond lobby each with a different IP and whitelist. Everyone who connects via the regular lobby are playing on a different server to those who connected via the diamond lobby (going by mojangs reasoning) even if they are in the same world. This means we could give everyone who connects via diamond lobby a perk that isn't given to players connected via regular lobby.
    jkjkjk182, mba2012 and SteamedEcko like this.
  14. Finally found the post I have been looking for how long will we keep this flag and when it's gone will we be able to re-claim a residence on another smp?
    EffinBatman likes this.

  15. They are still figuring it all out. When staff knows they will tell everyone. Give them a chance to seek legal counsel and to formulate a plan.

    Have faith in them. They want us around as much as we want to be here
  16. I have one request. A number of people have built (or in my case, building) large community builds on Utopia. Would it be possible, for these builds to be, somehow, made accessible to all members (donators and regular members) for them to enjoy. I'm not sure exactly how you'd go around doing, I have some ideas, but they're probably all fairly complicated.
  17. I fully support Mojang's stance on the matter, along with the EULA enforcement.
    ISMOOCH and PandasEatRamen like this.
  18. Does this mean that either supporters on the current servers have two residences taken away or everyone gets 3?
  19. No, Mojang made it easy to let supporters keep previous perks they paid for.

    All we have to do is simply say Residences can be bought for 1 billion tokens or rupees or such.

    That way its 'technically' possible for a player to get the perk, so supporters will not lose residences nor will free gain residences.

    As shown with servers nearly running out of Residences and us having to adjust the policy for derelict... we dont have enough.
  20. bad nick :(
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