Server Problems? Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JackBiggin, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. EMC won't load
    Qvantvm and SteamedEcko like this.
  2. Same here
    Qvantvm likes this.
  3. same here cant seem to get it to ping in my client menu
  4. The live map works. There are a few lucky ones playing.
  5. I cant connect either, it says
    "An existing connection was forcibly closed
    by the remote host"
    Qvantvm likes this.
  6. well son of a apple!!! guess its bananas for me for awhile!!! *Wink* bbl!!
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  7. Rabble Rabble Rabble!! I was trying to have an EMC party with my friends! Rabble Rabble!!!
    southpark347 likes this.
  8. No EMC? What am I supposed to do with my Friday night?!
  9. Now it just won't connect to the server at all.
    Ethy202 likes this.
  10. I just think I must let you know this.....My EMC is down and I'm kinda buggin' out...I don't know what to hands are nose is bleeding....there are voices in my head telling me to end it all now! I Need this! This is my friday night! We can't have downtime! Its just not safe! Not for me....not for anyone!!
  11. Well, sad and lonely single player it is!
    MC LAN party at my house!
  12. Uhm.... theF?
    Also maybe consider making firework shows illegal? i know of 2 firework shows going on on smp2 about 30 mins ago :confused:
  13. How come my alt can be connected to smp8 but my main account can't? I don't know what's happening. After borth of my accounts timed out, only my alt could rejoin. I already tried reopening Minecraft.However, after looking up Minecraft servers on Google, I added a random one, and it worked
  14. The same thing that everyone else is stating over the last hour happened to me also.
    I was on SMP 7 for the firespread practice, and during it I got booted with a message saying that I was logged in on smp3.... tried to log into smp 3, then several other servers, which all gave me the same message. When I got a new message stating that it was taking too long for response I gave up and waited about 20 min.

    Successfully logged back into smp7 at that point, however I was holding items I didn't remember holding before getting booted, and everyone was complaining about not being able to get to their residence.

    Couldn't connect at all a few moments ago. Sad day for Minecraft fun.
  15. Can't connect to the server either, havent been able to for awhile.
    Welp time for some Mario Kart 8 while I wait for the server to come back :x
  16. Oh, it was down? nvm then lol
  17. what the heck is going on can we get some official info on why no one can connect please?
    i was on all day and now i cant get on
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