Server Problems? Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JackBiggin, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. yea, i waited a little and relogged it worked.
  2. So I've been having a problem. I can't access/connect to any Empire server on my desktop. I can connect and be fine on my laptop but not my desktop. Both use the same internet connection. I've cleared Minecraft for firewall access and specified the default port to always remain open. Still doesn't work. Any clues as to whats going on here?

    This is the error message:
  3. Are you still having this issue? If so, please start a private conversation with me, by clicking here.
  4. I have the same problem. I have to do to actually join one of the servers.
  5. I can't connect to any EMC servers, on my desktop. It either doesn't connect, or, logs in, and mega-lags, then boots me.

    EDIT: I tried writin stuff in a book-and-quill, it didn't save my writing.

    Attached Files:

  6. Not sure whats wrong, where 1 minute away. and on my screen appeared 'time-out' tried to login a few times , the world dont load and keep getting time-out. restarted minecraft. still same problem.

    Failing restart ?

    Note: seems to run fine again now.
  7. Wow, you have lots of server problems often don't you? ;)
  8. HELP im trying to log into smp7 but each time i try to connect the following pops up:
    Failed to connect to server
    Failed to login: the authentication are currently down for maintenance

    idk what that means. ive restarted my computer and relaunched it and still i get the same responce, cann someone evplain this to me please.
  9. Its minecraft it sell, it's not working too good all you do is wait
  10. The minecraft Authentication servers are down.
  11. Not always the case, but it usually is. If one is on a network that logs them off periodically, Minecraft sometimes can get through a network but not on the actual server, resulting in that message. I don't know anything about the technicalities about that, but it has happened to me hundreds of times in the past three years at school.
  12. Nah.. I was meaning this particular case.. that it actually IS down right now.
  13. Oh, silly me, I thought I read that they were having a reoccurring problem. >.<
  14. the tps seems to be way down today. I am getting huge lag spikes, mainly on smp2 and utopia.
    It honestly isn't even playable!
  15. SOmething i see on smp9. sometimes especially in minecart. everything stops shot. like soemthing need to be loaded.
  16. I can connect to EMC, but later get an extreme lag spike, then get "timed out" error message. I cannot even connect to EMC on my alt.
  17. same here, not sure what the problem is this time
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  18. i heard someone was using one of those firework death lag machines... not sure how true that is, but it sounds correct. Can someone try doing /tps on all the servers?
    Ark_Warrior1, wildbeast23 and Ethy202 like this.
  19. also unable to even ping the servers seen a mass disconnect of players before i also got booted
    SteamedEcko and DrewRadio like this.
  20. Wow. I hope someone did not turn on my comparictor clock
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